Chapter 29

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Writers block sure is some shit ain't it?

Would just like to apologize again for being the actual shittiest updater in the world.

By the time Baekhyun had reached the hotel, he was near collapsing. Not to mention it was just about the hottest day of the year and he's already a sweaty and stinky mess from the night before.

The automatic doors swiveled open, while he walked up to the front desk. He tried his best to explain his situation, asking for any found luggage.

The kind lady gave Baekhyun the room key to check, so the boy decided to take his time and use the elevator since he'd had enough running for today.

While unlocking the hotel door, Baekhyun could hear another ding in the background. Of course he didn't think twice about it since that sort of thing was common at a hotel.

After opening the door, he eagerly looked around the room for his belongings. Despite his extremely high hope, there was nothing there.

Feeling defeated, the exhausted boy plopped down on the seat of the couch, letting his head fall in his hands.

Everything was sort of finally sinking in. It was such a strange feeling. He felt so empty.

No more job? No more Chanyeol? No belongings or money?

An absurd night of partying really didn't help with his dilemmas, his pounding head making everything much more difficult.

A few tears started to form in his eyes, seeping gently from his lashes all the way down his cheek.

Everything was just so messed up; it all slipped out of his control so quickly. He squeezed his eyes shut as tight as he could— praying that he could go back in time and re-do it all.

Because then everything would be okay, right?

"Looking for something?" A gentle and familiar voice said, making Baekhyun jolt up from his position.

He didn't know how to feel by the sight of Chanyeol. A million emotions washed over him like ocean waves in a typhoon.

He's glad to see him. He wants so badly to reach out and hug him, kiss him, hold him until the end of time and never let him go. Oh, how the poor boy missed him, not realizing this until after suffering an agonizing 16 hours without him.

But he's also enraged at the sight of him. He doesn't feel like talking to someone who let go of him so easily. He wanted to punch him. Yell at him, scream, and cry, and everything all at once.

Yet he simply stood in place, watching as Chanyeol slowly approached him with a serious expression—almost as if Chanyeol himself didn't know what Baekhyun was thinking.

Possibly because Baekhyun didn't even know what Baekhyun was thinking.

Chanyeol finally reached the shorter, taking him in a light embrace.

The giant reeked horridly of alcohol and hangover, looking worse than Baekhyun had ever seen him before.


He could barely make out the word, but can understand just enough.

"Have you listened to your voicemails?"

Baekhyun shook his head, saying nothing.

"I'm sorry Baekhyun, I didn't mean to cause you pain..."

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