Chapter 2

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Baekhyun anxiously awaited news from the company. He didn't know for sure what Park Chanyeol had meant about hearing from them soon, and whether or not that meant he had got the job, or if it was something he said to everyone. After several days of waiting, he began to grow impatient.

He repeatedly refreshed his email inbox, desperately hoping he would receive a new ding. He should've heard back from them by now. Even a rejection letter—in fact that's what he was half expecting.

Baekhyun's eyes scan over the other options, coming to a horrible thought.

Oh my god, I forgot to check my junk mailbox.

He closes one eye as he opens the tab, half hoping he didn't get it for the sake of his stupidity—and yet it was indeed there.

Byun Baekhyun,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been chosen for the job position of personal assistant to Park Chanyeol. Please inform us of any issues, otherwise you will be starting August 29th at 10:00am—

He'd stopped reading, before cheering to himself, and feeling his heart speed up in excitement. He'd got the job, and was quite thankful he didn't have to read another rejection letter...He had been through plenty to last a lifetime. After a few moments of celebrating, he realized that something wasn't right.

August twenty-ninth...

Then Baekhyun realized that today was August 29th, and that it was already 9:45am. Which gave him approximately fifteen minutes to get himself to his first day.

Damnit, why didn't I check the junk?

He jumped up quickly from his bed, but from the adrenaline pumping through his veins, he didn't realize he was too close to the corner of his bookshelf. He slammed his forehead into the corner of the shelf, resulting in him groaning and rubbing his head profusely.

No time to dwell on this now, I have to go!

Baekhyun tried his best to ignore his thumping head, while he rushed to his (dangerous) drawer and pulled his best suit that was folded neatly in place. Slipping his legs through as he stumbled down the hallway, he finally reached the bathroom, luckily with no new injuries. He sloppily buttoned his suit jacket and ran a toothbrush quickly through his mouth. After styling his hair, putting his socks and shoes, he was finally read to leave. He glanced at his watch again.


Groaning anxiously, he fumbled with his keys as he walked out the door, racing to the office building.


When he arrived only 4 minutes late, he rushed toward the building— however he barely set foot in the entrance before the door was opened by someone on the other side.

It was none other than Park Chanyeol himself, looking quite breathtaking. His suit hung perfectly on his toned body, hair gelled back ever so slightly, and he wore an extremely attractive expression that he seemed oblivious to. Baekhyun's breath hitched in his throat.

"You're late. Once again," Chanyeol remarked, pretending to be angry.

Baekhyun, who of course, was completely oblivious to the joking aspect, bows completely 90 degrees over. "I'm so sorry sir, I won't let it happen again."

Chanyeol chuckled slightly. "You're just in time. We're about to leave."

"To go where, sir?"

"On tour, of course," Chanyeol laughed at Baekhyun's silly comment.

Baekhyun gaped at the taller.

"Didn't you read the email? The secretary should've sent it a few..."

Baekhyun lets his boss' voice fade from his hearing while realizing he didn't finish reading the email like a total idiot.

Jesus, did I forget how to read too?

Baekhyun shook his head, unable to produce words.

Chanyeol wore a serious expression, as if he pondered what to do.

"That's alright. We'll figure something out for your clothes, but in the meantime we must board the plane. Follow me."

Then Chanyeol does the unspeakable, and grabs Baekhyun's hand.

Baekhyun was taken so aback, all he could feel was numbness by the warm hand encapsulating his. Chanyeol yanked the shorter behind the building where an extremely large plane was awaiting.

No one told him about a private plane!

Baekhyun's eyes went wide. "Are you- is that- are we riding in that?"

Chanyeol nodded slightly as he let go of Baekhyun's hand.

"Follow me, assistant."

Baekhyun obeyed as he followed the much larger male onto the plane. He kept a good three feet between them, not wanting to overstep his boundaries, but also show his boss he is there if need be.

Once he stepped into the plane, he was baffled at the sight. Rows of leather seats line the vast space, including tables, mini bar, anything Baekhyun could've ever imagined. Not to mention the room was lit with a purple ambient light, confusing Baekhyun as to to why. However it quickly became clear when the music began playing, and out walked girls dressed in bikinis— which Baekhyun wanted no part of.

He watched mouth agape  as Chanyeol took a seat while the girls crowd around him and begin stripping on the poles down the center of the plane. Baekhyun remained still, not able to decide if he should sit down.

After a sufficient period of awkward time of Baekhyun standing there, he decided to take a seat in the corner and try to distance himself from the strange setting. However after a few minutes, Baekhyun noticed his boss' eyes lingering on him.

He tried to ignore it, while turning his head to look back out the window as the plane took off.

Another few minutes pass and suddenly the music stops and the girls shuffle out of sight. Baekhyun couldn't even comprehend anything until he looked up and was met with the tall man.

"What's this?" He caressed his thumb over the bruise that's starting form, where Baekhyun hit his head earlier.

"Oh it's— it's nothing, really. I'm just clumsy that's all."

Unsatisfied, Chanyeol lingered there for a bit, seemingly burning a hole through Baekhyun's poor injured forehead. After a few moments, the taller returned to his seat as if nothing strange had happened. Baekhyun internally sighed a breathe of relief. The scent of Chanyeol still lingered in his nostrils, making him shiver.

This is going to be a long flight.

Sorry this book is actual trash lol. i'm just not a great writer. if anyone has suggestions or requests just comment and i'll try to make it happen:)

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