Chapter 8

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Hey guys I have a quick note to address:

I discovered a story very similar to mine, but I promise you there was no copyright intended. Just know that all the ideas for this story came from my own brain, and no one else's. Ok now onto chapter 8!

Baekhyun groaned as the alarm he set on his phone began screeching. He pressed snooze and smushed his face harshly back into his pillow. He felt utterly exhausted. He hadn't gotten a single wink of sleep all night. If only he knew why...

He sat up slightly, his eyelids feeling as if they were a hundred pounds. His head pounded ever so slightly from his alcohol intake from the night before. He trudged tiredly to the bathroom, already wanting the day to be over even though it hardly began. As he flipped on the light he was a bit startled by his hair color, until he remembered the events of yesterday. The thought of the salon, then the thought of—

Mr. Park.

He shuddered at the memories of last night, the beautiful hands gracefully roaming his body, the feelings of excitement, and of course—the feeling of confusion.

Baekhyun shook his head.

Since when did he feel anything romantic toward his boss? Last night was simply just a drunk mistake. Of course he knew Mr. Park wouldn't remember anything about it, which eased Baekhyun's anxiousness ever so slightly. He just had to suck it up and pretend like nothing ever happened. He sighed deeply before removing his clothes and stepping into the shower. He was not prepared for the day that laid ahead.


After Baekhyun had gotten ready for his day of work (and returned back to his normal old suit, or his only outfit he has with him), he took one last look at himself before walking out the door. He took a few breaths to mentally prepare himself before facing his boss.

He approached the room beside his, and was a bit surprised when he discovered a note on the door.


Please get rid of the mess inside my room. I apologize in advance for the contents, however I will be gone at a rehearsal until 5pm. Inside the room I have left a card on the table for you to go buy a wardrobe to last you the remainder of the tour. Please feel free to use however much is necessary.


Baekhyun tilted his head in confusion.

Get rid of the mess? What does he even mean by that? Isn't that what cleaning ladies are for?

Baekhyun cautiously opened the already unlocked door, bracing himself for strewn clothes and trash littering the floor, but what he saw was much worse. Oh it was much worse.

He was met with about half a dozen half naked girls sprawled out throughout the suite, accompanied with several bottles of booze, trash, food, anything you could imagine. He was a bit surprised how the hotel could get this trashed after one mere night. Baekhyun was absolutely repulsed the image. A pang of pain shot through his chest. He couldn't even imagine how Mr. Park could do such things.

Park Chanyeol was a professional (for the most part), well balanced, successful, polite, genuine, and illegally attractive man. Add alcohol into the equation, and he becomes a completely different person who causes a great deal of messes. And Baekhyun was the one stuck picking it up.

He approached the girls slowly, his feet crunching on trash along the way.

"Excuse me," Baekhyun squeaked. There was no avail, but of course even he knew that wouldn't wake the sleeping girls. After gathering a bit of courage, he tried again.

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