Chapter 16

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It was an uneventful couple of days. Chanyeol spent it locked in his hotel room (inevitably, trapping Baekhyun with him), and his tour managers were furious.

They were forced to cancel two nights worth of concerts because Chanyeol simply refused to leave his room. His philosophy was, it didn't matter anyways since he wouldn't want to do a concert with his face in the current condition in which it was.

This left Baekhyun in an unfortunate situation. They barely exchanged any words, but thankfully the hotel room was rather large. There were practically different rooms within it, and the two certainly kept their distance.

The morning after, Baekhyun woke up feeling something he'd never felt before. He legitimately thought he died. By the time he woke up, Chanyeol was nowhere to be found (so he had no idea about the cuddling activities the night before). Luckily Chanyeol came around soon enough and gave him water and a pain killer, and (unfortunately), he survived the day. Baekhyun never said a word, and Chanyeol didn't say anything about the night before either. The smaller simply knew not to bring it up based on his appearance, accompanied with the lack of speech.

Finally, Baekhyun had enough. He couldn't take the silence, the overwhelming curiosity, and the awkward nights sleeping on the bed across the room. He had to say something.

He actually decided this several hours ago but had only just now, at 9:00 at night, built up enough courage.

"Sir?" He squeaked quietly.

It was just quiet enough for Chanyeol to hear it from across the room, as the mute boy looked up from a magazine he was only half paying attention to.

"Hm," He muttered in response.

Baekhyun cleared his throat, in an effort to push back his nerves. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was fed up with feeling shy and useless, and for once in his damn life he wished he could be straight forward.

And so he was. 

"What the hell even happened? I wake up one day and you don't say anything, despite the fact my brain was actually exploding, and I just get nothing? Not even a single word of response? It's just, I'm tired of feeling like this. Feeling under your control, even though everything I do is completely voluntary. Do you even realize how you make me feel?"

By this point there was no going back. Baekhyun's emotions had surfaced and there was no way that he'd be able to push them back down. The dam was open, and here comes the water.

"It's like I'm forced to clean up your mess you leave—it's full of slutty girls and booze, and for some reason, the whole ordeal just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. It took me awhile, ya know. I never knew why I had got so angry while you went out partying, fucking all these girls as if they were absolutely nothing.  But I realize now. I've worked for you for what—a month? Maybe more? That day when... we were messing around, well, it wasn't the first time. A while ago, back on one of your routinely 'getting hammered drunk after a concert' ordeals, you dragged me to a bathroom stall, and..."

It was hard for Baekhyun to finish, and so he didn't. He never had to anyway, Chanyeol already knew what he was going to say.

"When it was happening, I felt so good. My mind was telling me it was wrong, but entire heart was on fire. I thought, 'gee does hooking up always feel this good'? But then I actually got a look at you. Your eyes were black—full of nothing. You weren't even cognizant, your entire body and mind was probably numb. Here I was, feeling so strongly, but for you it was just numbness. I just can't even begin to descr—"


Baekhyun ignored him, and tried to continue talking. Rambling, the words just slid off his tongue like butter. He was so focused on talking, that he hadn't even realized his boss—Park freaking Chanyeol— had just said his actual name. Not 'assistant', not 'Mr. Byun', he said, 'Baekhyun'.

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