Chapter 15

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Chanyeol dragged an extremely drugged Baekhyun behind him back into the club. His entire body radiated anger, and even Chanyeol himself was surprised he hadn't literally exploded. He pushed through the crowd violently, not caring about the dirty looks people gave him.

Finally, his eyes landed on Jongin, and immediately he walked right up to him.

"Oh hey Chan-"

Jongin couldn't finish his sentence, because Chanyeol interrupted him with his fist.

Jongin fell to the floor, as the taller ignored the screaming pain in his knuckles.

"What the hell was that about?" Jongin growled, spitting blood to the right of him. He stood up slowly, only to be sent right back down to the ground by Chanyeol.

This one was more deadly than the previous, and it actually took Jongin awhile to recover.

"Oh that's it," Jongin said scarily quiet, as he stood up and retaliated Chanyeol's hostile act by returning the punch.

Chanyeol's head snapped to the side from the impact. By this point, people had formed a circle around the scene between the two boys. Baekhyun, however, was still too out of it to realize what was happening, and was currently leaning on the counter in order to support himself.

Chanyeol tasted blood from his split lip, and before he knew it he lunged full force at his best friend. The two were in a full on fist fight within the next few seconds, punches flying and landing at lightning speed.

The crowd erupted in yelling and cheering, and nobody even bothered to stop the two from nearly killing each other. Finally, the club owner emerged and split the toxic duo apart.

"That's it! You two are outta here!" He yelled, dragging the two out the door. Luckily Baekhyun had looked up and noticed his boss leaving, so he started to follow him out. He struggled to get there, feeling like his feet were melting into the floor, but he still managed.

The club owner threw Chanyeol and Jongin onto the street roughly.

"You two will never show your faces here again," He said firmly, before slamming the door in their face.

Baekhyun quietly walked out slowly after, but quickly regretted it since two intimidating pairs of eyes landed on him. However it was short lived, since the two hot headed males quickly returned their attention back to the other.

"What the fuck Park?" Jongin said. The two were a complete mess —blood stained their shirts, their knuckles were purple and bleeding, and their once beautiful faces were splattered with cuts and bruises.

Chanyeol lifted a shaky finger toward Baekhyun, but his eyes were still on Jongin.

"You," He growled with a shaky voice. "You did this."

"Did what?" Jongin asked.

"You drugged him! You fucking prick!" Chanyeol nearly punched him again, but his extraordinarily painful knuckles stopped him.

Jongin's face went completely pale.

"But.. you were—"

Jongin couldn't finish, since Chanyeol had rammed him up to the wall, holding his shirt in his shaky fists.

"I was what?"

Jongin gulped, suddenly genuinely scared. He had never seen his friend like this before, and he didn't like it one bit.

After Jongin didn't reply, Chanyeol simply got more furious.

"Answer me, dammit!"

"The drink was supposed to be for you!" Jongin spit out. Upon hearing this, Chanyeol let go of Jongin's shirt and took a step back. His entire existence was fuming.

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