Chapter 6

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The ride in the elevator was almost unbearable, the silence slapping Baekhyun straight in the face. He had no idea how his boss's mood had changed so quickly, but figured not to worry about it too much. Once they finally reached the bottom floor, screaming fans bombarded them as security failed miserably to keep them all off of Chanyeol. Random limbs were slapping Baekhyun all over the place, as the poor boy got thrown around in the sea of people. While two of them pushed through the wall of bodies, Baekhyun couldn't help but imagine having to deal with this every day. After a few minutes, they finally reached the limo. Within a few seconds, the driver took off, leaving the screaming fans in the dust. Baekhyun took a few seconds to recover from the screaming mob.

Thankfully, the silent ride was relatively short. Baekhyun really hated Chanyeol's sudden mood change. He wondered how it had came about. The star had his head collapsed in his hands while staring out the window like a mopey teenager.

Finally the limo pulled up to a (very expensive looking) salon, and people immediately greeted Chanyeol as others opened the doors for him. Baekhyun followed behind, completely in awe at the sight. It was certainly the fanciest salon he'd ever seen.

Several workers rushed to Chanyeol, treating him as if he was the most important thing on Earth. Baekhyun couldn't help but notice the annoyed look on his face. Baekhyun's eyes followed his boss as the workers took him to a separate room. He could only assume they were going to take quite a long with getting him all prepped for his opening night.

Figuring he would be there awhile, the small male took a seat in one of the plush looking chairs near the entrance, looking very timid. He hesitantly grabbed a magazine off of the shelf placed next to him, and opened it. Not even ten seconds passed until a very shy worker appeared in front of Baekhyun. His eyes lifted from the magazine and up to the female.

"Are you an associate of Mr. Park?"

Baekhyun nodded, still feeling very out of place.

A smile lit up the girl's face, as she grabbed Baekhyun by the arm, and yanked him to a room. He wore a very confused expression as he (unwillingly) followed the strange female. Once he was brought inside, there were several salon workers awaiting for him, all looking extremely excited. Every once in awhile one of the girls would whisper to another about how cute the mysterious boy was.


After a few hours of being pampered non-stop, Baekhyun was finally free. One of the workers turned around his chair so he could finally look in the mirror.

His previously raggedy suit had been replaced with a nice collared shirt with a red border, as well as nice pants and shoes to go along with it. He even had eyeliner perfectly extenuating his almond shaped eyes. However, the thing that surprised him the most was his newly dyed red hair. He had never dyed his hair in his life, and was extremely nervous. Only now that he saw the end result, was he pleased how it turned out. All the girls were giggling at the attractive man before them, as he thanked them, and began to walk back to the main room.

Baekhyun felt very content with his new look, proud of himself for branching out so much more than he usually would— not like he really had much of a say in the matter. As he entered back into the room, he caught sight of Chanyeol. He almost stopped walking because he was so captivated by the sight.

His previously brown locks were now a light blue, styled to perfection. He wore a pink and black striped suit with a white shirt underneath. His eyes even were lined flawlessly with eyeliner. Baekhyun was utterly stunned.

The two of them stared at the other for a few long seconds, until Chanyeol cleared his throat. He stood up to pay for the services, until Baekhyun appeared next to him.

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