Chapter 25

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The following morning, Baekhyun was awakened by a phone call.

He shifted in the hotel bed, grumbling in annoyance at the sudden noise interrupting his beauty sleep. He flung his arm around in the air, attempting to sense his way to the nightstand— however he ended up accidentally smacking Chanyeol square in the face, causing the poor man to yelp awake.

"What?" the giant gasped, in a panic, and in the process of he too jolting awake, he accidentally kicked Baekhyun so hard he fell off the bed.

Baekhyun, still on the ground recovering and groaning, fumbles for his cell phone on the table above before finally managing to answer it with a breathy "hello?"

Chanyeol still didn't have full understanding of what exactly was happening, considering he was in the middle of the most amazing dream...

"Mr. Byun? Oh I'm so very glad you've answered. It's Oh Sehun, remember from the coffee—"

"Sorry wrong number!" Baekhyun squealed into the phone, only a millisecond later hanging up and nearly tossing the phone across the room.

"Who was it?" Chanyeol mumbled, his deep voice still riddled with sleep.

"Ah some guy asking for Rodrigo? Wrong number." Baekhyun laughed it off awkwardly, trying not to give anything away. The absolute last thing Baekhyun wanted to do was tell Chanyeol about the offer. He was not even close to being ready to talking about it. Hell, he didn't even have a clue what he was even going to do about it in the first place. After realizing what he just did, he regretted hanging up rudely on Mr.Oh (also known as the amazingly tall and handsome intimidating man that Baekhyun seemed to find familiar...)— but he figured he'd apologize later. The real question, though, is how did he get his number? Baekhyun only had his number from the card he gave him yesterday.

Unfortunately for the assistant, Chanyeol is an expert at sniffing out lying and reading people, which of course is much easier when Baekhyun just so happens to be the worst liar on the face of the planet.

This goes unsaid, however, because Chanyeol really doesn't feel like prying into his boyfriend's personal business. Until further suspicions, Chanyeol decided to remain silent in this matter.

The both of them now unable to return to slumber after the violent awakening, reluctantly decide to get up for the day.

"Thanks for kicking me off the bed," Baekhyun grumbled sarcastically while standing up from the hotel floor.

"You're the one who smacked me in the face, Byun," the latter said in defense, chuckling slightly.

And of course before the two could do anything more than brush their teeth, an angry Yixing pounded on the door yet again. It seemed to be a common occurrence these days.

Chanyeol grumbled slightly, while spitting out the minty paste before retreating to the door. He was feeling extra prick-ish that morning, and decided to take part in one of his favorite activities —pissing off Yixing.

He peered down the eyehole, while asking a dainty, "who is it," when clearly both of them knew the idiot giant knew who it was.

"I'm really not in the mood to mess around, Park," Yixing retorts grumpily, beginning to tap his foot roughly against the hotel carpet.

"You're never in the mood," Chanyeol muttered to himself quietly enough so Yixing wouldn't hear through the other side.

More pounding.

"Please open up, its important, Park."

Not buying into what Chanyeol thought was a shitty trick to get him to open the door, he only peeks his face through the crack of the door which is bound to the wall by the top chain lock.

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