Chapter 10

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Baekhyun sat up stiffly in his seat, making sure his posture is exactly perfect. The man next to him sniffed casually, flipping through his magazine as if it was nothing out of the ordinary. There were several empty seats, yet of all of them, Chanyeol had to pick the one right next to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun had never felt so uncomfortable in his life, the scent of his boss's seductive cologne wafting into his nose. He glanced over at Chanyeol without moving his head, trying to see the reasoning behind his seat choosing.

"Are you uncomfortable because of me, assistant?" The taller stated casually, not taking his eyes off of the magazine he was reading.

Baekhyun's heart leaped upon hearing his voice. He quickly turned his head to look out the passing scenery beside him, trying his best to relax his body language a bit.

"Not at all, sir! I'm just—I'm just—... ACHOO!" Baekhyun was cut off by himself sneezing cutely. His face reddened in embarrassment.

"Bless you," His boss replied.

"Thank you," Baekhyun muttered awkwardly, the exchange making Baekhyun go even redder. Seconds later he sneezed once again. He sniffled, wondering why he had a sudden onslaught of sneezes. Suddenly, he realized just exactly what was happening.

"If I didn't know any better, Mr. Byun, I'd say you were catching a cold."

Baekhyun mentally slapped himself. He knew that it was from him sleeping outside the night before. How could he be so stupid?

"I'm sure it's nothing," Baekhyun lied. "Sometimes I have... allergies."

His boss hummed in response, clearly not buying the bullshit.

The shorter sighed, leaning his head against the window. He was still exhausted, and thought maybe he could catch a few hours of sleep while they were on the bus. He still had no idea where they were going, but he figured it wasn't far if they were taking Mr. Park's bus instead of plane.

The next thing he knew, Baekhyun was in a light slumber. Eventually his neck ached from leaning to one side, finding himself sleepily shifting over to the other side. His head landed on something extremely comfortable and warm, and Baekhyun wondered why he hadn't laid on this before. He snuggled deeper into the warm object, falling back into sleep in no time.

Chanyeol eyed the boy laying comfortably on his shoulder, wondering whether or not if he should gently nudge him away or let him remain there. After a few seconds of pondering, (the small exhales he felt rhythmically on his shoulder had nothing to do with his decision making), he decided to let his assistant remain asleep on his shoulder. He glanced down at the sleeping boy, admiring his features. He stared at Baekhyun's long eyelashes laying on his cheek, as well as his lips that were slightly parted.

Chanyeol smiled at the sight.


Baekhyun was in a deep slumber, he felt so warm and cozy that he wanted to sleep forever. But of course, nothing good ever lasts.

"Assistant," Chanyeol (softly) nudged Baekhyun awake, as the poor boy sat up quickly, drool dripping from his mouth. Chanyeol tries really hard not to smile.

"We're here, assistant."

When Baekhyun was finally able to recognize what exactly was happening, he had a pounding pain in his head, and his throat felt as if it was on fire. He swallowed roughly, unsuccessfully trying to hide his pain with his facial expressions.

"What's wrong?" His boss asked, tilting his head like an adorable puppy. Baekhyun almost choked.

"I'm not sure," He croaked, his voice clearly scratchy.

Baekhyun had absolutely no time to react when Chanyeol reached out and touched the back of his hand to his assistant's forehead. Baekhyun nearly collapsed at the touch.

"You have a fever," He said, his hand lingering on his face just a second too long. "You really should get some rest."

"I'm completely fine sir, I promi—ACHOO!"

Chanyeol breaks out into a goofy grin, grabbing Baekhyun's hand and leading him out of the private bus. Baekhyun was utterly confused, since Mr. Park was most certainly the most confusing human he has ever met. Most of the time he was extremely professional, seeming like he would yell at you for slouching, the next second he's trying to seduce you, and then the next he's acting like a child! Baekhyun couldn't handle it. His boss was just too complicated.

Chanyeol held onto his assistant's hand as they walked through the doors of the new hotel, the tall male greeting the hotel workers on his way through. They were given their room keys, and immediately Chanyeol lead the smaller up to their rooms. He unlocked the door, and demanded for Baekhyun to lay down immediately.

His boss retreated into the bathroom where he wets a rag of cold water, returning in a few second to gently place it onto Baekhyun's forehead. He also brings several water bottles to the sick boy's bedside table.

"I want you to rest for the remainder of the night," He said firmly. Baekhyun nodded profusely. "The only reason you are to get up is to use the restroom. Do you understand assistant?" Baekhyun nodded again, his eyes wide. "That's an order, assistant."

Baekhyun replies with a weak "Thank you," before he no longer can talk because of the pain in his throat.

"I will come check on you after my concert."

Baekhyun nodded for the billionth time, not wanting to waste what's left of his voice. Without saying anything more, his boss walks confidently out of the hotel room to who knows where, probably to prepare for his concert to come within the next few hours.

Feeling utterly exhausted from the lack of sleep from the night before, Baekhyun drifted off within no time.

As always, thanks for the support and I CANNOT BELIEVE the story has over 1k reads!! it's insane.

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