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Is anyone still reading this? I love how I said there would be an epilogue to look for... 

*doesn't update until like 2 years later*



I will be publishing another CHANBAEK!!! 

~woo hoo wow we're all so excited~

thats what you're gonna say right? bAhhaA WELL HERE'S A SOLID EPILOGUE JUST FOR THE FUCK OF IT!

Baekhyun was almost done with his finally set for the night. He'd landed a gig at a fancy bar with an exclusive audience that paid pretty well. As he began playing his last song, he looked among the crowd noticing all the expensive looking people laughing and talking among themselves. Of course he was hired for background music, but for some reason it made him angry that they didn't seem to care he was there. 

You could call him a brat, sure, but at the current height of his career he should be getting paid attention to. 

Finally the song ends, met with scattered and light applause, as Baekhyun stood up to bow before exiting the stage— like he always would. Just because he's salty doesn't mean he's going to be unprofessional. He walked to a relatively non-populated corner of the bar, asking the bartender for a drink. He didn't used to drink, but since his career rocketing he's acquired a bit of a taste for it.  

The bartender gave him his requested drink, and as he was about to take a sip he heard a strikingly familiar deep voice.

"Amazing set. Can I get your autograph?"

Baekhyun looked up to see none other than Park Chanyeol, sitting in the bar stool next to him wearing his famous suit and sly smile. 

"Well I'll be damned," Baekhyun mutters before standing up and passionately grabbing Chanyeol's face (luckily the height wasn't an issue since Chanyeol stayed sitting on the bar stool), attaching his lips to his passionately. 

"Fuck I missed you," he whispered against his lips, Chanyeol then smiling into the kiss as they reconnected lips. The two were notorious for kissing much longer than necessary. For some reason, to Baekhyun every time he kissed Chanyeol it felt like the first. 

After about 10 minutes and a comment from the bartender, the two disconnected lips and Baekhyun sat in his chair and grabbed his drink. 

"How'd you get back so soon? I thought your recording sessions lasted until May?"

"Eh, I told 'em to shove it up their butts."

Baekhyun nearly choked on his drink. "You what?" 

"Yeah, I told them I didn't want to make another album if they're gonna force me to only sing. I want to make what I want, and that includes rap."

"But the company—"

"Left it."

"But Yixing—"

"Came with me," he replied, motioning his head to a corner where the energetic little bastard was letting a waiter who dropped a glass have it. 

Baekhyun chuckled. "Man, I missed that angry little man. But still, what are you gonna do? The company takes most of your proceeds from your old albums, you won't have enough to hold you off."

"Which is why, I've had the grand idea of: We do a collab album!


"You've become one of Korea's top vocalists, getting on Billboard n shit, congrats, by the way."

Baekhyun blushed and mumbled a shy, "Thanks."

"And so I think, that with your beautiful higher tone voice and my lower rap we'd make a pretty great team." 

Baekhyun pondered it for a minute. It would probably cost a ton of money and be risky, but it could work. 

"What so I guess we're using my company to invest, right?"

Chanyeol gave a slight shy smile, looking like a guilty child. 

After Baekhyun's opening act became a huge success it wasn't long before he'd released a solo album, quickly climbing to the tops of charts. He'd left Chanyeol's company on good terms, putting together a trustworthy team for himself. He'd truly been flourishing in the industry. 

"Well, I'm game to try it," Baekhyun says, smirking while standing up once again and giving his boyfriend a back hug, resting his head on his shoulder blades. "Mm, but I haven't seen my boyfriend in four months, so I expect we have a lot else to catch up on," Baekhyun whispers into the taller's ear, making his stomach turn in excitement. 

"You have no idea how long I've waited," Chanyeol growled lowly, swiftly standing up from the chair and practically carrying Baekhyun out the door of the bar, the two laughing along the way. 


"Baek! It's almost time, three more minutes!" 

Baekhyun whipped his head around to see Chanyeol once again, he was dressed in an all black suit with his hair gelled back. Since Chanyeol's departure from his company (which caused huge controversy, bringing all the media's attention towards what he will do next), he's been working with Baekhyun at his company writing songs for their album for the past few months. He looked excited yet determined, waiting for Baekhyun to join him.

"Okay, I'll be right there," Baekhyun smiled, turning around to finish signing something that his executive, Zhang Yixing had asked him to. (I mean of course Baekhyun made Yixing the exec, who else would be better for the job?)

Their single from their album was about to be broadcasted on the radio for the first time. It was a big deal, there was a lot of hype surrounding Chanyeol's newest release after leaving the company, and to say Baekhyun was nervous would be an understatement. They'd spent months refining their songs and perfecting them, so he had high hopes.

And for the first time ladies and gentlemen, from the big-name Park Chanyeol and rising star Byun Baekhyun comes their newest single, Sweet Lies. 

About thirty seconds into the song playing, the entire office erupts in ringing phones and business. Baekhyun simply turned to look at Chanyeol and smiled. 

AAAAND thats officially the end. The two get to become famous together and live happily ever after, with lots and lots of sex and occasional fights, yee. uwu 

Anywho, like I said I'm working on a new Chanbaek fic but I'm trying to write AHEAD this time lol, so you can look out for that.

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