Chapter 1

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(Okay, real quick, just an edit: so before I said that Tanner wasn't going to be dating *Paris.... well, since they recently just broke up, he is and in a few chapters after this one, that will be discussed. Thanks!)

"Wanna go to Tanner's with me?" My brother, Quentin, asks.

"Um, sure." I say and unplug my phone from the charger. I get up and straighten out my Guns N' Roses shirt. Tanner introduced me to them and I've loved them ever since. I mean, I don't really talk to Tanner much. I only talk to him when Paris isn't at his house. But I can basically sum him up in about three words. Kate Upton, Audi R8, and YouTube. I mean, technically that's more than 3 words. I could name a few more. I hang out with his sister, Taylor, all the time.

"You ready to go?" Quentin asks, picking up his car keys.

"Yeah, I guess." I sigh as I grab a bracelet and I walk out the door with him.

I hop into my brothers car and I buckle up as he puts the car in reverse. The drive takes about 10 minutes, so I play some games. My brother plays some rap music and jams out. He usually messes up the words, which makes me laugh. We finally get to Tanner's and I lock my phone. We walk into Tanner's house and I walk over to the stairs and see Kim, Tanner's mom.

"Hey, Kim!" I smile.

"Hey, Lia!" Kim exclaims.

"Is Taylor in her room?" I ask.

"Oh, she's staying at a friends house for a week or so. She didn't tell you?" Kim says.

"Oh, no. Maybe she did. Well, I guess I'll hang out with Quentin and Tanner." I laugh. I don't really want to hang out with them, but I don't really have a choice.

"Okay, have fun." Kim smiles.

I walk to their basement and I see a few more Kate Upton posters added to the walls. He has some issues, I think. Okay, that was kinda mean. After all, he's a high school boy. What else did I expect??

I knock on Tanner's door and walk in.

"I got it! We can read Lia's comments!" Tanner exclaims as I open the door.

"Genius!" Quentin smiles.

"What?" I ask.

"You know how I read comments on Instagram?" Tanner asks.

"Yeah?" I say uneasily.

"We should read yours!" Quentin exclaims.

"Yeah, okay. Taylor wasn't here so I'll be hanging out with you." I sigh and sit on the 'taco' bed as Tanner calls it.

Tanner sets up the tripod as I watch Tanner make eye contact with me every so once in a while. His light blueish grey eyes are really pretty. I've had a crush on him, but I wouldn't tell anyone. I was too embarrassed. And plus, he had a girlfriend.

He sets his camera up and presses the record button and sits down. I sit up and scoot closer to Quentin and Tanner.

"Hello guys!" Tanner smiles at the camera.

"We have a special guest!" Quentin smiles and gestures to me. He pulls my legs so I'm sitting directly in between Tanner and hisself. Tanner laughs.

"I'm Lia." I say shyly.

"You gotta speak louder." Tanner laughs.

"Fine, I'm Lia!" I practically yell as we all laugh.

"Anyways, this is Taylor's friend and Quentin's sister. She's super awesome and yah. We're gonna read her comments and these are all gonna be new since we didn't plan this one in advance." Tanner explains.

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now