Chapter 18

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I groggily opened my eyes and I was in Tanner's bed. Tanner was laying on my chest and his arms wrapped around me. I smiled and slowly and carefully rubbed his bare back and neck. After a few minutes, he woke up and looked up at me.

"Well, good morning, sleeping beauty!" I giggle.

He just groans and smiles, then covers himself with the blanket and cuddles into my right arm. I laugh and continue to rub his back.

A little while later, Tanner looks back up at me and kisses my lips. I smile and kiss him back.

"I love you." Tanner mumbles, and his voice kinda raspy from it being just the morning. I thought it was the cutest thing ever.

"I love you too, sweetie." I smile and kiss his temple.

Tanner scoots closer to me and starts to kiss my neck, in which I giggle. He leaves tiny kisses all over my neck which kinda tickle so I laugh.

"Tanner!" I giggle.

"What?" Tanner asks, laughing between kisses.

"Stooooop!" I giggle and push him off of me playfully.

"But, babe." Tanner laughs.

"I'm hungry." I groan and hop out of bed. I drag Tanner with me up the stairs and I offer to make eggs and bacon. Tanner said okay, so I started to make breakfast.

I've always loved cooking. It's always been fun, but not something that I would want to do as a career.

I get started on the eggs and then the bacon. I finally finish after a while and I call Tanner's name.

"Tanner!" I yell out.

"Coming!" He yells back and I hear a thud from the indoor foam pit.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around me a few seconds later. I turn around and see Tanner. He kisses the tip of my ear then goes to get a plate of food. I do as well and I realized that my hair was really greasy and I sighed.

"What's wrong?" Tanner asked.

"My hair. It's really greasy." I laugh.

"Oh, I need to take a shower too. I guess we take them after breakfast," Tanner says, grabbing a fork for himself and I.

He hands me a fork and I sit down by him, "Okay, that's fine."

We eat our breakfast and it tasted good. We went back down to his room and he was already walking in the bathroom. He went into the bathroom and I realized I forgot my bra in there.

"Tanner?" I knock on the bathroom door.

"Yeah?" He calls out.

"I left... uh, something... in the bathroom. Can I come in real quick?" I ask.

"Sure, come in." Tanner says.

I slowly open the door and you basically can't see anything in the shower. Which I guess is good. I pick up my bra quickly and Tanner peeks through the curtains quickly.

"Hey." He smiles.

"Uh, hi." I quickly smile and put my bra behind my back.

"So, care to join?" Tanner winks and laughs.

"Um, Tanner-" I start and blush.

"Shh! Relax, I'm in a swimsuit! Cmon! Please?" Tanner begs.

"Tanner." I groan.

"Liaaaa!" He whines.

"Maybe next time, okay?" I sigh.

"But why not now?" Tanner asked.

"Tanner..." I sighed and walked over to him. I kissed his lips quickly and went to go walk out.

"Fine." Tanner sighed.

I smiled and walked out, so I could get my clothes. I would think it would be awkward if I were in the same shower with him, even in swimsuits. I mean, we've only been dating for a month or so. I don't really feel comfortable yet. I mean, after a while maybe, but yeah.

I grabbed a hoodie and some PINK yoga pants because they're super comfy. They were a light grey that looked good with my mint green hoodie.

A few minutes while scrolling through Instagram, Tanner walks out with a towel wrapped around his waist. I get up and pick up my clothes and I go over to Tanner and kiss his cheek, but then he turns his head so I kiss his lips instead. He wraps his arms around my waist and I drop my clothes and wrap my arms around his neck. We make out, for like the billionth time in the past 24 hours.

"Well, I uh, I'm gonna go shower." I pick up my clothes and go to the bathroom to take my shower.

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now