Another author note... i know...

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A/n: OMG 500 READS?!? THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCHHHH ❤️ anyway, I will be uploading one chapter because I have a family reunion and hopefully I will be able to post next Friday and Saturday because I'm going to a waterpark!!!! Yeyyyy. I'll probably update on the way there and in the hotel room. I can't guarantee anything so hahaa. I'm just busy rn 😂 for once in my life I'm busy 😂 anyway, thank you for reading this, idk if I'll go on with the authors note ahaha.

Okay, I am... 😂 so, do you guys have any suggestions? In the next chapter they're going to the airport to go to LA. If you have any ideas just let me know because I will happily accept them.

I think this is the longest authors note I have ever made... oops 😂🤔🙈


the author 😂👌🏼

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now