Chapter 10

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"Lunch was good!" I exclaim, holding Tanner's hand.

"Yeah, it was." Tanner smiles back.

"Let's go back to your place." I smile as I swing our arms back and forth.

"Okay. I need to upload our 24 hour pool challenge thing so we should hurry." Tanner says.

"Mhmm. Wait... have you told your subscribers that we're dating?" I ask quickly.

"Um, crap. No." Tanner furrowed his eyebrows.

"It's okay, I think they'll find out on their own." I say and shrug.

"Yeah." Tanner says and let's go of my hand, only to put it around my arms.

"Ugh, why did you park so far away?" I giggle.

"I don't know, it didn't seem far then." Tanner laughs.

We finally get to his car and we get in. He drives to his house and we enter his huge house. We go down in the basement, like usual. He goes on his laptop and uploads the video. We casually sit and talk, while watching Netflix. We were watching Bob's Burgers(my choice) and laughing.

"I always feel like we have nothing to do." Tanner sighs as I intently watch the tv screen.

"Yeah. We need more ideas." I say and smile from the show.

"Yeah. So, I want to ask you something." Tanner sits up straight.

"Yeah? What is it?" I look back at him and he pauses the show.

"So, my family and I are going on a trip in a week exactly. We're going to LA. I wanted to know if you wanted to come with." Tanner smiled at me.

"Oh! Of course I would wanna come!" I smile and hug him on the bed.

"Okay, we will be staying there for about 3 days. We're gonna see some of my friends and we're going to a trampoline park." Tanner smiles widely as I still hang on Tanner.

"Okay! Are we getting a hotel or something?" I ask, completely interested in this trip. I already know my mom was going to say yes because she always lets Quentin go everywhere.

"No, but it's better! We're getting a house that we can rent for a couple days. It has four bedrooms so you'd have to sleep with me, if you want." Tanner explains.

"Okay, I'd be down for that." I smile and kiss his lips quickly.

"Okay." Tanner smiles and kisses me back.

I smirk and I lean over and kiss him again. We continue to kiss for a few more minutes and then someone walks downstairs so we quickly pull apart and play the show.

"Hey, Tanner?" Kim calls out and walks into his room.

"Yeah?" Tanner asks, slinging his arm around me, in which I smile at.

"Change of plans, were leaving tomorrow at 4am. I would go pack if I were you two." Kim points to us.

"Okay. I'll drive you to your house." Tanner smiles.

"Oh, I'll make sure to tell my mom." I smile as Kim exits the door.

"Okay, let's go to your house first and get your stuff." Tanner suggests.

"Okay, sounds good." I agree.

We get off of his bed and we get into his truck because he felt like it. We drove, well, Tanner drove, to my house. We entered my empty house and went off to my room. I grabbed my suitcase. It was a dark pink with lighter pink polka dots on it. I grabbed five changes of clothes(just in case), two pairs of pajamas, undergarments and necessities.

"You good yet?" Tanner asks, chewing his gum.

"Yeah," I laugh, "I'm finally ready."

"Okay, let's get going because my mom said dinner's ready." Tanner says and gets up from my bed.

"Mmkay." I smile and grab my suitcase.

We go back into his truck and drive the short 10 minutes to his house. I place my suitcase in the entryway and we head over to his kitchen table. Tonight we had burgers and chips and all that good stuff. It was really good.

Sorry that I'm ending it short this time and I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday. I'm just really mad at my Netflix right now 😂 anyway, if u guys have any ideas for the next few chapters, let me know. Thanks for reading ❤️❤️❤️

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now