Chapter 25

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(A/n: when do you guys want a new book? Also, thanks for 1.13 k! That means we got 130 more readers in 2 days! Ahh thanks!❤️ and I'm not really motivated rn but I'll be better lol)

The next day of school was the same as the first. Boring, filled with rude comments, and stupid teachers. I hated mostly all of the teachers but oh well.

I get all of my homework and shove it in my backpack. I walk outside and I see Tanner's charger. I smile as I hop in and I see Dylan in the back.

"Hey." I smile.

"Hey baby." Tanner smiles and kisses me.

"Eww." Dylan makes a face as I buckle up and chuckle.

"Shut up, Mylan." Tanner laughs as we drive to his house.

We get to his house and we go downstairs and Tanner films. They all decide to go do dares in public. I decide to stay in Tanner's bed, watching Netflix.

They come home in about 3 hours, so I got about 3 episodes of The Walking Dead. I'm only watching it because Tanner really loves it and it's really interesting.

"I got you McDonald's!" Tanner screeches as I giggle and he hands me the bag of food. He plops down next to me as Dylan enters the room, too.

I look through the bag and it's two cheeseburgers and a medium fry. He also got me a bottled water from upstairs.

"Thank you, babe." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"No problem." He smiles as Dylan sits on a beanbag.

Tanner and I cuddle on his bed as I eat and he edits his new video. Dylan just does whatever, as always.

My phone rings and it's Quentin. I decide to pick it up.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey, I'm outside, mom wants you home." Quentin says.

"Okay, okay. I'll be out in a few." I sigh and hang up.

"What was that?" Tanner asks as I remove my self from Tanner.

"Quentin. I need to go home." I sigh, crumpling up my wrappers and slipping on some sandals.

"Okay. Bye honey." Tanner smiles.

"Bye Lia!" Dylan smiles and I give him a high five.

I walk over to Tanner and I give him a big kiss, "Good bye."

"Bye." He barely whispers as I walk out the room. I throw away my wrappers on the way out and I hop into Quentin's car.

(Sorry if it's short, I'm just not in the mood and I'm not motivated. I feel like crap and yeah. In a day or two I should be back lol)

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now