Chapter 20

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Over the next week, Dylan came over to my house everyday. We would just casually chat. We wouldn't kiss or anything because we both agreed we shouldn't be together. Dylan didn't want to lose Tanner as a friend, and he didn't want to lose Quentin or me either.

"I think you should talk to Tanner." Dylan says out of the blue as we watch American Dad.

I pause the tv, "Dylan..."

"Lia. Please, you can't just lay in your bed all day." Dylan sighs.

"Yes I can." I cross my arms.

"Lia. Just give Tanner a chance." Dylan says and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Why? He cheated on me." I huff as I feel tears brim my eyes.

"Oh, Lia. Don't cry." Dylan said and wiped the tear that slipped down my face.

"I'm sorry, I'm a mess." I let out a small laugh as a few more tears roll down my face.

"No, Lia. You're not!" Dylan soothes me and wipes away the tears.

"Dylan, yes. I am." I look at him.

"Cmon, just please go talk to him, for me." Dylan pouts.

"Fine. Just let me get ready." I sigh and hop out of bed.

"Yay!" Dylan cheered and I flipped him off before walking into my bathroom.


Dylan and I drove into Tanner's driveway and I sighed, wanting to get this over with.

"You'll be okay, you're a strong independent woman!" Dylan smiles.

"I'm not independent." I roll my eyes and laugh.

"Okay, you're a strong woman!" Dylan laughs as we walk through his front door.

We don't run into anyone on the way down, so that's good. I don't think I'd want to see Kim. It would be so awkward. Anyways, we get to Tanner's room and Dylan opened the door. We walked in and we saw Tanner. His eyes looked a little red from crying.

"Oh, hey Dylan, Lia." Tanner says and groans.

"I'll leave you two to it." Dylan smiles and walks out.

"Tanner, we need to talk." I say and sit on the bed next to him.

"Yeah. Listen, Lia, I'm really sorry." Tanner says.

"I know, but what made you go to her? Was I not good enough?" I feel tears brim my eyes.

"No, Lia-" Tanner starts.

"I shouldn't have come here. I'm sorry." I felt more tears come and I ran out of the room, and I went into the movie room. I curled up in a chair and broke down again. I'm so weak. I heard someone run in and sit down by me.

"Lia, I know this is hard for both of us." Tanner says.

"Yeah, tell me about it." I roll my eyes and wipe my tears in my sweatshirt.

"Listen, I didn't mean to hurt you. Paris came over to hang out and it just kinda happened. We didn't do anything! Trust me on that. And I'm really sorry. I know, I'm the worst boyfriend ever and I don't deserve you." Tanner says, also a few tears go down his face.

I wipe them away for him, "I'm sorry too. I know, I'm pathetic-"

"No, you're not pathetic. Okay, listen. I'm really sorry and I hope you can trust me." Tanner says.

"I think I can." I smile and hug Tanner. He hugs me back and I go over to his seat and sit on his lap and I continue to hug him. We stay like that in silence for a long time. I liked it though. I felt Tanner lift up my chin with his finger and he made me look at him. He kissed my lips softly. I've missed the taste of his lips.

"I've missed that." I smile.

"Me too." Tanner smiles and picks me up. He takes me to his room and we both lay in his bed. It was about 6 pm and I was tired. I eventually fell asleep in his arms.

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now