Chapter 21

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I woke up to Tanner rubbing my back. It's been about a 2 weeks since the incident. Tanner and I have grown an even stronger relationship. I have gained more trust in Tanner and a lot more. But, I lost something... it's not bad, really, it's not. Anyway, I lost something... and, that, my friends, was my virginity. There is no way I'm telling you guys anything about it.

"Good morning, beautiful." Tanner smiled.

"Good morning." I smiled back.

"I'm hungry." Tanner groans.

"And I'm tired." I rub my eyes.

"Last night did it for you, huh?" Tanner laughs and winks.

"Shut up." I laugh.

"But seriously, I'm hungry." Tanner says.

"Okay, let's see what we can eat." I say and yawn.

"Okay..." Tanner groans.

I don't move and I just lay there on his chest, "But I don't wanna get up."

"Me either." Tanner laughs.

I sigh as I kiss Tanner's neck a bit.

"Lia..." Tanner groans and rolls over.

"But Tanner..." I whine.

"No buts." Tanner says and gets out of bed.

"I don't wanna get up." I say again.

"I know you don't but we have to." Tanner says, lifting me out of bed. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and I wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me.

"Why am I carrying you?" Tanner asks.

"I don't know." I laugh and kiss his cheek.

We get upstairs and he sets me on the kitchen island. I smile as he looks through the fridge and freezer.

"Um, frozen waffles?" Tanner asks, laughing.

"Anything that you want." I smile.

"Ok, frozen waffles it is." Tanner laughs and plugs in the toaster. He puts the waffles in the toaster and he presses down the lever thing.

"Come here." I motion for Tanner to stand by me.

"Hm, oh, okay." Tanner says and stands in front of me. I take ahold of his face and pull him in for a kiss. We kiss for awhile, well, until the waffles were done. He got the waffles out and made another one, but he put butter and syrup on the waffles then gave it to me.

"Thank you." I smile as I take the plate.

"No problem." Tanner smiles and the other set of waffles were done. He also put butter and syrup on them as well. He leaned on the counter next to me and ate his waffles as I did too.

We finished up then decided to ask Quentin and Dylan if they wanted to come over.


Liaaa🐻: hey guys
Big bro💖: hey sis
17th Steven🙃: yo
Flip Daddy🤤: You guys wanna come out? Film a bit?
Big bro💖: sure. I'll be out in a few
Flip Daddy🤤: yay my bf ❤️
Liaaa🐻: Tanner... 😑 did u forget about me?
17th Steven🙃: no, I think u guys forgot about me, but yeah, I'll be there 😁
Liaaa🐻: yayyyy 😛
Flip Daddy🤤: ily Lia 🌎❤️
Liaaa🐻: I love you too 💖
Big bro💖: ew get a room
Flip Daddy🤤: we are in a room... 😏
Big bro💖: don't be smashing my lil sis 😒
Liaaa🐻: 🙊🙈
Big bro💖: ... Lia...
Flip Daddy🤤: Too late... 😏😂
Big bro💖: you're getting it, Tanner!
*17th Steven🙃 has left the chat*
*Flip Daddy🤤 has left the chat*
Big bro💖: Lia, don't you leave this chat
*Liaaa🐻 has left the chat*


Tanner and I casually waited for Quentin and Dylan.

"I'm nervous." Tanner frowns as I lay on his bare chest. He's always shirtless in summer. It was getting to be autumn soon, which meant I could wear more of Tanner's sweatshirts.

"Why?" I asked, rubbing his chest.

"Quentin. I know he can kill me." Tanner said, rubbing my back.

"He won't, please. He has a girlfriend too." I assure him.

"Yeah, but Bri isn't my sister." Tanner points out.

"Tanner, hun, it's okay." I say and look up at him.

"Tanner!" I hear Quentin call out.

"Oh no..." Tanner sighs.

"No, Quentin!" Dylan yells as Quentin bursts through the door.

"Tanner." I say.

"What..." Tanner sighs and sits up.

"Run." I say.

"Where?!" Tanner whisper yells.

"I don't know, anywhere but here!" I whisper yell to him.

"Come back here, Braungardt!" Quentin yells as Tanner runs out the window.

"Quentin, please!" I yell and grab Quentin's arm.

"Lia! Let me go." Quentin says.

"No, leave him alone!" I whine and drag him away.

"Lia." Quentin sighs.

"What?" I ask him and sit down on the bed.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Quentin paces the room.

"Quentin, I'm not going to share my sexual life with my brother." I let out a small laugh and Quentin chuckles.

"True..." Quentin laughs.

"Am I safe?" Tanner asks, poking his head in.

"Yeah." Quentin laughs.

Tanner hops inside and lays down on the bed and pulls me over by him.

"I guess I overreacted and I don't think I should want to know about my sister's sexual life." Quentin let's out a small laugh.

"Yeah. Thanks for understanding, Q." Tanner smiles.

"Yeah." Quentin says.

"Okay, this was awkward." Dylan let's out a small laugh.

We all laugh together and just hang out and have fun.

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now