Chapter 17

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(I went to IHOP lol yeeey. And sorry that I didn't update yesterday, I was actually really busy and tired)

We ate our IHOP and it was good, as usual. Tanner paid for our meal and we walked out of the restaurant, hand in hand. He opened the car door for me and I gladly stepped in and I buckled up as he went in his car. We drove home and went back downstairs, the usual.

I wrap my arms around Tanner and he smiles, wrapping his arms around me too. I smile and kiss his jawline for just a second. Tanner just likes to mess around, so he started tickling me, which then I started giggling a lot.

"Tanner!" I giggled and he kept tickling my sides.

"What?" Tanner asked, laughing.

"Staaahp." I giggled and smiled.

"Nope," Tanner laughs, continuing to tickle me, "Find a way."

"Fine!" I giggled and kissed Tanner on his lips passionately and I saw him blush, but he happily kissed back. (Kinda cringe warning idk) Tanner tried to get his tongue in my mouth, but I wouldn't agree at first, so he tickled me again, which got him to stick his tongue in my mouth. We made out like that for a long while until someone, or some people, walked into Tanner's room.

"Woah! Don't want to see that!" Quentin yelled and yanked me off of Tanner.

"Quentin!" I groaned and sighed. He set me next to Dylan, and I awkwardly waved at him.

Tanner blushed and smiled as I quickly ran back over to him and I jumped on his bed a wrapped my arms around him. He did so too and kissed my forehead. Quentin didn't even try to get me off of Tanner this time.

"We should do a Q&A." Quentin suggests.

"Okay. I'll tweet it." Tanner says.

Tanner tweets that we're doing a Q&A and that they should comment questions. Then, after a while, the cameras are all set up and we're ready to film. The line from our right to left is Quentin, Me, Tanner, Dylan.

"Okay, hey guys! I'm here with Quentin, Lia, and Dylan! We're doing a Q&A so I asked you guys to send me questions and you did! So, let's start." Tanner smiles.

"Ooh, I got one," Quentin yells, "Are you and Lia dating?" Quentin asks Tanner.

"Well, we've gotten a lot of questions about it, and yes, we are dating! And I love her so much!" Tanner smiles and wraps his arm around me, kissing my cheek.

Quentin and Dylan gag as we laugh.


We got done with the Q&A in about an hour. Tanner is now editing the video for the day and he started to upload it. We all decided to relax in the movie room and watch Marley and Me because I said so. I've never watched it, so I wanted to and Tanner wasn't sure, but I just shrugged.

I sat in Tanner's lap as we watched the movie and Quentin and Dylan just sat by us.

We watched the whole movie and by the end, I cried so much. Tanner just pulled me close into his chest and rubbed my back and neck. The ending was super sad.

"It's okay." Tanner soothes me.

"Why do they make good movies so sad?" I ask between sobs. I cry even more, and thinking about it now, it seemed a little ridiculous.

Tanner and I basically cuddle in the movie room and I fall asleep in his lap. The boys also eventually fell asleep as well.

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now