Chapter 15

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AHH GUYSSS IM FREAKING OUTTT!! 700 READS?!?? AHHH I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️ps, new book cover!!!

"Liaaaaa!" Quentin yells out.

"Quentiiiiiiin!" I yell back.

He sticks his head in, "Wanna go to Tanner's?"

"Yeah!" I smile and hop out of my bed, grabbing my phone and charger.

We get into Quentin's car and jam out to Jacob Sartorious, because who doesn't? We finally get to Tanner's house and I quickly hop out and we both run into their house and we run down the stairs to Tanner's room.

"Tanner!" I yell and hop on his bed and wrap my arms around his body.

"Aw, you beat me to it!" Quentin laughs and sits down on the beanbags.

"Hey, Lia, Quentin." Tanner smiles and kisses my cheek.

"I missed you." I smile and kiss his cheek.

"I missed you too." Tanner smiled.

"It's only been a day, calm down." Quentin laughs.

"Quiet." I laugh.

We were just chilling in Tanner's room for a while and then Tanner picks up his camera.

"So, I just had the perfect plan! We're gonna go into my grandpas lake thing, and jump in it. I know my grandpa said we could do it so we will. What do you guys think?" Tanner asks us.

"Sure, why not." Quentin shrugs.

"I guess." I shrug as well and we start to pack our clothes. I always left an extra swimsuit at Tanner's house just in case, so I used that one.

"You're gonna wear that one? Nu uh!" Quentin says

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"You're gonna wear that one? Nu uh!" Quentin says.

"Wha- whyyyy?" I whine.

"I don't need to explain." Quentin says.

"Hey, I'm wearing my clickbait underwear, hers isn't bad at all." Tanner defends me.

"True." I smirk.

"Fine." Quentin sighs as we get into Tanner's car and drive to his grandpas house. We get there after a while and Tanner introduces me to his grandparents. We then go out back to the lake and it's all gross and brown. It has frogs literally everywhere.

Let me remind you, we already have all the cameras set up and they're recording.

"Okay, there is no way in hell, I am jumping in this pond." I say as we get to the deck thing.

"Yeah, you are." Tanner smiles.

"No no no no no no! Nooooo way!" I say shaking my head.

"Cmon, don't be a chicken!" Quentin exclaims.

"I'm not a chicken, it's just so many frogs!" I shudder.

"It's fine, they won't bite!" Tanner laughs.

"Ughhh! No, I'm not doing it." I cross my arms.

Tanner takes off his shorts as it reveals his clickbait underwear. Quentin quickly whispers something into Tanners ear and Tanner quickly says ew and blushes a deep red. Quentin just laughs as I look at him weirdly.

Quentin pokes Tanner and Tanner glares at him, "Stop."

Quentin then again whispers something in Tanners ear and Tanner tells him to stop.

"Would you stop it?" I laugh and push Quentin hard and I accidentally push him into the nasty pond.

Quentin surfaces, "Oh, now you're getting it!"

"No no no! It was on accident!" I yell as Quentin climbs out of the pond.

"Oh well, too late." Quentin shrugs.

"No! Tanner! Help me!" I yell and hold onto Tanner as he laughs and I feel his toned chest on my stomach.

"You're getting it!" Quentin laughs and takes me off of Tanner and throws me over his shoulder.

"Quentin! Please!" I yell, squirming around.

"Oops!" Quentin laughs and throws me into the pond and I'm completely covered in nasty water and some mud.

"Ewww! Get me out of here!" I scream.

"Stop being a baby!" Quentin laughs.

"It's not funny!" I whine, "Get me out of here!"

Tanner jumps in and helps me out and I hug him for warmth, since the pond was so cold.

"You're mean." I pout and yell to Quentin.

"Aww, I'm sorry little sister." Quentin walks down and hugs me.

I glare at him and let go of his grip, hugging Tanner instead.

"Fine I see how it is." Quentin laughs.

"Here, why don't you go take a quick shower or something so you can rinse off then you can go in the clean pool. It's heated." Tanner smiles.

"Where's the shower?" I ask.

"Here, let's show her." Quentin suggests.

"Okay, let's go." Tanner says and takes my hand, then wraps it around my waist, leading me into the house and into the bathroom, and he turns on the hot water for me.

"Thank you." I smile as Quentin disappears somewhere to find a towel or talk to Tanner's grandpa.

"No problem, hun." Tanner smiles and kisses my cheek and goes to exit the door, but I pull his hand back and I kiss him on the lips, hard. He kisses me back and we full on make out.

"Hey Tanner, have you tried this bl- Oh my gosh!" Quentin exclaims.

Tanner quickly stops kissing me and blushes deeply, as do I.

"Ew! Ju- Just ew!" Quentin exclaims, shuddering.

"Yeah, well how many times have I seen you making out with your girlfriend?" I ask him.

"Fair point... I'll just talk to you in a second..." Quentin says and slowly backs out of the bathroom and closes the door.

"Now, where were we?" I ask, pulling in Tanner and kissing him again.


I finally finish up getting rinsed off, as Tanner does too. We towel off a bit, and yes, we are still in our swimsuits. This ain't no freaky business! Anyway, we dried off and we found Quentin and we did some tricks in the pool.

After a while, the sun started to set, so we thought it would be best if we went home. We had some dinner at his grandparents house and it was good.

We drive back to Tanner's house and I was tired, so Quentin drove us back home. I quickly fell asleep in my bed, still aware I was in my swimsuit, but I didn't care.

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now