Chapter 14

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I wake up in Tanner's bed, but nobody was there. I rub my eyes and I see that it's really bright outside.

"Ugh, what time is it?" I groan and try to find my phone. I find it and it reads 11:27 am.

"Holy crap. Why did nobody wake me up?" I question and get out of Tanner's bed. I walk into his bathroom with a change of clothes, which were some Adidas joggers and a white crop top. I also brushed out my hair, put on some deodorant, put on perfume, and put on a few pieces of jewelry. I then walked upstairs and I saw Kim walking around.

"Hey, Kim." I smile.

"Oh, hey hun." Kim smiled back.

"Where's Tanner?" I ask, looking around.

"Oh, he's in the backyard on the trampoline." Kim smiled, a little too widely.

"Ok..." I say suspiciously and walk out the back door. I don't see them in the main yard, so I suppose they're in the other lot. I walk out there and I see Tanner and somebody else, so I assume it's Dylan. I walk over there, checking my social media and see that I have 56k more followers on my insta.

"Hey, Lia!" Tanner exclaims.

"Hey Lia." Someone else says, and it's not Dylan.

"Q-Quentin?!" I yell and drop my phone, seeing my brother right next to me. I quickly hug him tightly. I know, it seems a bit dramatic, but Quentin and I are really close.

"Hah. I missed you." Quentin says laughing.

"I missed you too." I smile and we let go of the hug and I quickly pick up my phone.

"Aww, how cute?" Tanner laughs, filming us both.

"Stop." I whine and get on the trampoline and push him. We were on his 'Goliath' trampoline so we all had plenty of room. We did some flips and tricks and stuff. We all got pretty tired and we all were just laying in the trampoline now and making small talk.

"Hey, we should probably go home. Mom hasn't seen you in a while." Quentin suggests.

"But I don't wanna go." I whine.

"Well we have to." Quentin laughs and picks me up and I say bye to Tanner and he kisses me on the lips quickly as Quentin drags me away.

We get into Quentin's car as Tanner rushes out right before we leave.

"Huh?" I ask as Tanner runs over to my side.

"You almost forgot this." Tanner laughs and hands me my bag of clothes that I kept there.

"Oh! Thanks! Love you!" I smile and kiss him.

"Get a room!" Quentin laughs.

"Whatever, see ya!" Tanner calls out and runs back inside.

Quentin and I make small talk on the ride home. Once we get to our house, I say hi to my mom and I go into my room and I lay on my bed. My house was freezing, since it was summer and we had the air conditioning blasting. I wrapped myself in my blankets and I played a few games on my phone and drifted off to sleep.


Guysss, I'm so sorry this is a short chapter! Oh wellllll 😂🤷🏼‍♀️ ❤️ thank you guys for about almost 700 reads ❤️

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