Chapter 13

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(Ahhhh! 600 reads ❤️ I love you guys so much!!! 😘 )

Tanner Fox and Tanner filmed a bit as I did some trampoline tricks. I knew quite a bit since I was in gymnastics at a young age, but quit just a few years ago. After my father died, a lot of things happened and I quit gymnastics and haven't touched a single vault since.

"Well, we should head back. I think my mom has some stuff planned for dinner." Tanner sighed.

"Aww, but I wanted to meet the other Tanner's girlfriend!" I whine.

"Hey, you guys can come over tomorrow!" Tanner Fox smiles.

"Sounds like a plan. Let's go, Lia." Tanner says as he picks me up off the trampoline and I wrap my legs around his torso and my long brown hair falls down my back. I smile as I smell his strong cologne.

"Lia..." Tanner laughs.

"What?" I giggle and wrap my arms around Tanner and flip my hair over so I can look at Tanner as we walk out of their front door.

"My mom's picking us up." Tanner says, checking his phone, but barely being able to do so since I'm still on him.

I continue to be on him as he wraps his arms under me so I stay there. You would probably be thinking, woah, Tanner's not that strong, but I am small and light, so it works. And he is strong...

Kim finally shows up and we both sit in the backseat of the van. We get back to our 'home' and Kim orders some pizza and Tanner and I go into our room and cuddle. We kiss here and there, but not a lot.

After 20 minutes, the doorbell rings and a while after that, Kim calls us out to get food. So, with that, Tanner and I get our pizza and breadsticks and lounge in the living room and turn on the TV and watch the news. It wasn't anything major, just the usual, Trump.

"Thanks for the pizza, Kim!" I smile as Tanner wraps his arm around my shoulder.

"No problem!" She smiles as Tristan walks out and grabs his self some food, along with Taylor.

"Thanks mom!" Tanner smiles.

"Thanks." Tristan smiles, sitting next to Kim.

"Thank you." Taylor smiles and sits down on the opposite side of the couch.

"No problem, guys." Kim smiles.

We all continue to eat our food and by then it's 7:47 pm. Tanner throws away our plates and puts the pizzas away in the fridge. I yawn on the couch as Taylor and Tristan return to their rooms.

"You tired?" Kim laughs.

"Yeah." I laugh too.

Tanner walks back over and carries me bridal style and he takes me to our room. He has to edit yet, so he covered me with the blankets and left the room with his laptop. I cuddled under the sheets and tried to fall asleep, but before I knew it, it was 12 am. It seemed a lot shorter.

I walk back into the living room and I rub my eyes.

"Oh, hey. Why are you up?" Tanner whispers, because Kim is asleep on the couch.

"I couldn't sleep without you there." I smile, laying on Tanner as he edits, what seems to be the end of the video.

"Aw, you're so cute." Tanner quietly laughs.

"Yeah, whatever. Are you almost done?" I ask.

"Yeah, just got a few more clips. I'll be done in a minute." Tanner assures me.

"Okay." I frown as he cuts a few more clips.

A minute later he gets done and saves it all. We go back to our room and we go under the blankets and we cuddle, falling asleep in seconds.


The next two days were basically normal. The second day, we went back over to Tanner Fox's house and I met his wonderful girlfriend, Taylor. Her and I looked quite alike, small, short, long brown hair, it all was fairly alike. Then, Tanner and I hung out in the pool that was in the backyard of the house we were at. It was really clean and nice.

The third day, and the last day, we went shopping until our flight, which was at 4 pm. We went to a lot of different stores and we picked out a few stuff. We had some lunch all together and we all looked around a bit more and headed to the airport.

The plane ride was the same as the first, except we had some turbulence, which made me scared for my life, but thank goodness Tanner was there. I probably would've died without him there. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating but, still. It was scary.

We got back to Tanner's house and Dylan was already there, waiting for us. We all greeted him and we went to our usual spot, Tanner's room.

"So, how was the trip?" Dylan asked us.

"It was good." Tanner nods his head.

"Yep, it was real good." I smiled.

"Well, that's good." Dylan says.

"So, what's the plan for the video today?" I ask Tanner.

"Well, I already filmed a bit at the airport and a bit of us being home, so I guess we'll just randomly film." Tanner shrugs, unpacking his stuff.

I quietly sigh and frown, missing my brother, Quentin. They were going to be gone for another day, which was fine with me, but I still missed him.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Tanner walks over to me and rubs my back.

"Oh, yeah, just that I miss Quentin." I sigh again.

"It's okay, they'll be back in another day." Tanner says.

"Yeah, I know, but I still miss him." I frown and hug Tanner.

He hugs me back and kisses my cheek. He sets me down on his bed and covers me with the blankets while he finishes unpacking. Dylan was playing a game on Tanner's Xbox.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"No, that's impossible."

"No, it's very possible, and very true."

"I love you more than words can say."

"I love you-"

"Could you guys shut up about your love crap?"

"Oooh, is someone salty cuz they don't have a lover?"

"Shut it!"

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now