Chapter 5

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"So, wanna get some food?" Tanner asks as he plays with the ends of my hair, while laying on my stomach.

"Sure. What kind of food?" I ask, petting Tanner's head.

"Um, wanna go to my mom's smoothie shop?" Tanner asks, sitting up.

"Oh, yeah. I forgot your mom still had that place. Scooters, right?" I ask.

"Yup. Wanna go?" Tanner asks, fixing his shorts.

I nod, "Yeah, sure. Let's go!"

Quentin left a while ago to get Dylan, but Dylan lived a while away so they would be awhile and they wouldn't care where Tanner and I were.

Tanner and I went into his Audi and we buckled up. We drove into town and we stopped at his mom's shop, 'Scooters'. I haven't been there in maybe a year. We walked into the small store.

"Mm!" I smile as I smell the fresh fruit.

"Oh, hey kids!" Kim smiles as we walk up to the counter. It wasn't too busy, considering it was fairly late.

"Hey mom."

"Hey, Kim."

"What would you guys like?" Kim asked as we both walked closer to the counter.

"I'll have a strawberry smoothie." Tanner smiled.

"Um, I'll have a strawberry and banana smoothie. Thank you." I smile as I complete my order.

"Ok, sounds good." Kim smiles and gets to work on the smoothies.

We don't have to pay, obviously, because Tanner is family and I'm basically family.

Tanner and I take a seat in the lounge area of the shop and he sits down in a leather chair. I go to sit down in another chair but Tanner pulls me over the arm of the chair and sets me on his lap. I giggle as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"What are you doing?" I giggle as my voice echoes and some people a few tables over stares at us weirdly.

"Can I not cuddle with you?" Tanner smiles and leans his head on my arm.

"I don't care." I smile as the blender goes off.

I play a few games on my phone, as Tanner looks through his Instagram. I also look through a bit of my Instagram as well. I quickly post a photo of Tanner and I, just now, in the shop. I think of a simple caption, "❤️So many of my smiles begin with you😁"

"Tanner, Lia." Kim calls out as her voice bounces off the walls.

Tanner pushes me off of him playfully and runs to get his smoothie as I laugh and run after him. Tanner almost makes one of the chairs fall and I pick it up before it hits the ground as Tanner just looks at the chair wide-eyed. I laugh as we go to get our smoothies. We grab our smoothies and go sit back down again. We thank Tanner's mom and Tanner, once again, sets me on his lap. I giggle as we drink our smoothies and I post a Snapchat of my smoothie and Tanner in the background. It says, "Smoothies with the best ❤️💯" and I sent it to my story.

We finish up our smoothies and say goodbye to his mom, in which we will see her later. We dispose our cups and we go back to Tanner's car. We drive back to his house and we see that Quentin is already there with Dylan, since his car was there. We walk inside and get back to Tanner's room.

"Hey guys!" Tanner smiles as he enters his room.

"Hey." Dylan smiles once I walk in the room.

"Where have you guys been?" Quentin asked mischievously.

"We went to my mom's smoothie shop." Tanner said, sitting down on his bed next to Quentin. Thant left me to sit by Dylan, which I didn't really care. I didn't care because Dylan and I have been friends for years, but recently have gotten closer. It's kinda the same with Tanner but I didn't really talk to Tanner much back then.

"Without us!" Dylan fake gasped.

I laughed as I playfully pushed Dylan's arm, "Of course."

Dylan pushes me back, but a little lighter, trying not to hurt me. I giggle as I lightly kick his shin.

He looks at me seriously, "You asked for it." Dylan said and he tickled me. I started to laugh as Quentin was laughing too and Tanner just sat there silently. Dylan continued to tickle me as I hit him lightly on the back and giggled. He continued to tickle me for a while longer until we were laughing hard.

"Hey, wanna go get some ice cream sandwiches?" Dylan asked, pointing to the ceiling.

"Sure." I smiled as Dylan got up and also helped me up. I giggled slightly as we asked Quentin and Tanner if they wanted some. They said no so Dylan and I walked upstairs.

"Hey, so I was wondering if I could ask you something..." Dylan said slowly as we entered the kitchen.

"Yeah? You can ask me anything." I say as I walk over to the refrigerator.

"Well, I wanted to know if you wanted to go out with me...?" Dylan awkwardly asked.

I get taken aback, "Oh, uh... well, I dunno. Cuz to be completely honest, Quentin is gonna kill either me or you."

"Yeah, but it's just that I like you, and I have for a while..." Dylan explains as he opens the freezer and takes out a box of ice cream sandwiches.

"Yeah, I get it. It's just- I dunno." I sigh and grab an ice cream sandwich. Dylan takes one too.

"It's fine, I mean, I like the way we're at... you know, really good friends." Dylan says, also grabbing a frozen treat. He puts the box back in.

"Yeah." I say as I hear the air conditioning come on.

"Let's go." Dylan half smiles as he closes the freezer.

"Yeah." I smile as we begin to go back downstairs.

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now