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GUYYSSSS IM SCREECHING HALP MEEE! Omg, you guys will not believe this what so ever. Okay, so this morning I woke up at 4:11 am, because I sometimes randomly wake up, okay? And then I see something fly across my light thing(a nightlight cuz when I wake up randomly, I like to see) and I think it's just a bug... NOOOOOO ITS A FRICKING BAT! Okay, sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself... then, after I saw something fly, my phone fell and I'm like, wut? And then I see something fly over my light again and this time, I see the bat. I'm like, OOOOHHHH NOOOOO! And I'm all FREAKIN out. I managed to get out of my room and I asked my dad for help and he beat the stupid thing up to death. My dad is my hero now 😂 but I wanna know how it got in here 🤔 anyway, you should be glad I'm not ded from this thing. Anyways, it's now 4:53 am and I'm not going to sleep anytime soon, so here you have a little story, that actually happened to me. Laugh all you want cuz I am now 😂 I'm stiLL SHOOK! 😫

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now