Chapter 6

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Tanner: hey, wanna do night shenanigans with us?

Me: what? 😂

Tanner: my video that I do for the end of the year.... night shenanigans...?

Me: oh, it don't ring a bell, but I'll be at ur house.

Tanner: then ur spending the night cuz it's rulessss. And u can't sleep in Taylor's room cuz she's back and she has a whole bunch of friends over.

Me: oh... okay. Where will I sleep?

Tanner: guest room or my room ;)

Me: omg whatever 😂 I'll be there in a bit, assuming Quentin is already there.

Tanner: yeah, we need a new toaster.

Me: huh?

Tanner: don't ask...

(Real quick, I know night shenanigans is at the end of December, right before the new year, but ignore that factor)

I get up from my bed and I change out of my sweats, but stay in a sweatshirt from Tanner that fit me pretty well. I change into a pair of grey lululemons because I loved lululemon so much.

I grabbed my keychain with all of my keys on it and I climbed into my pickup truck. It was an old Chevy from 1989. It was red and it was a beauty. You probably wouldn't think that I would drive a truck but I do and I love it. I nicknamed it 'Big Red' because it seemed fitting and original. Hah. It was pretty old, but ran good.

I started up the car and I went off to Tanner's house to do this 'night shenanigans' thing. I'm still confused on it. I pondered about it, then forgot that I didn't bring a bag of clothes, but then remembered I have one in the back, on my 'suicide seats'.

(^these are pretty much 'suicide seats')

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(^these are pretty much 'suicide seats')

I parked into Tanner's driveway and grabbed my bag of clothes. I hopped out of my old truck and walked into the Braungardt household. I walked into the basement to see pillows and blankets strewn everywhere. I walk over the pillows and make my way to Tanner's room.

"Hey guys..." I say awkwardly and set my bag down.

"Oh, hey Lia." Dylan says and continues to scroll through his phone.

"LIAAAA!" Quentin yells.

"QUENTIIIIN!" I yell back and hop on Tanner's bed.

Quentin hugs me as I giggle and he throws me around. I continue to laugh and he stops and throws me on the ground, where the beanbags are.

"Hey, where's Tanner?" I ask, seeing Luna and petting her.

"Why do you care? Is it because you looooove him?" Quentin teases.

I roll my eyes and try to hide me blushing, "Pssh, no, I was just wondering."

"Whatever." Quentin says.

"He's in the bathroom." Dylan responds, continuing to scroll through his phone and text.

"Oh, okay." I sigh and get back up on the bed.

"I'm gonna grab some water, care to come with me, Dylan?" Quentin asks.

"Sure, lets go." Dylan says. I fake pout because they didn't ask me, but I didn't really care.

I laid down on the bed and I covered myself up with a fuzzy blanket. Rose came up on the bed and snuggled behind me.

"Hellllo!" Tanner said, coming through the door.

I giggled, "Hiii!"

"Where is everyone?" Tanner asked, taking a spot near me.

"They went to get water." I explained.

"Oh, I hope they're getting their helmets too." Tanner laughed to himself.

"What?" I asked, a little weirded out.


"No, I don't." I giggled.

"Well, I will start filming." Tanner said and grabbed his camera off his bed stand table.

"Okie." I laugh.

"Hey guys! Welcome tooooo! Drumroll please!" Tanner said as he leaned on me and I patted my legs for a faint drumroll, "NIGHT SHENANIGANS 3!"

"Woot woot!" I laughed as Tanner pointed the camera at me.

"Did you start the intro without me?" Quentin asked and ran over.

"Quentin! You forgot your helmet!" Dylan screams down the basement steps and throws a white bowl into the room at Quentin.

"Where's my parrot?" Quentin asks in his stupid voice.

"I don't know. I think we lost it while moving." Tanner laughs as he films them.

Quentin picks up the bowl and puts it on his head.

I can already tell that this will be a long night.


Two toasters, five flips, one handstand, a half full box of strawberry toaster strudels, and three cans of pringles later, we are all basically passed out. Quentin and Dylan are asleep on the beanbags as Tanner and I stay awake in his bed.

"So, what's your favorite song?" Tanner asks me.

"Um, Party Monster by The Weeknd." I said.

"Ew, hah, I'm just kidding." Tanner laughs quietly.

"Rude!" I laugh and hit him lightly.

"I am not rude! You're rude!" Tanner jokes and hits me lightly.

"Ow, you're abusive." I laugh and frown.

"I'm sorry." Tanner laughs.

"No, you're mean." I sigh and flip over to my other side so I'm not facing Tanner anymore.

Tanner wraps his arm around me scoots closer to me. I sigh and turn back over, facing Tanner. I smile as he smiles back and continues to keep his arms wrapped around me. I snuggle into his chest. He smiles as he kisses the top of my head slightly and we both fall asleep.


HEHEHEHE Idk wheat else to write for this chapter cuz it's four in the morning and I'm hype rn and idk y so expect a spam of chapters that will not be in great quality sooooo hahahahaha

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now