Chapter 12

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(I feel like updating again lol)

I get woken up by Tanner telling me we were finally landed. I'm surprised I slept through the landing.

"I can't wait!" Tanner squeals.

I laugh, because I love seeing him so happy. The way his smile was so wide and his eyes gleamed was just adorable.

"You guys are now ready to exit the plane. Thank you for choosing United Airlines." The flight attendant says overhead on the speakers.

Tanner and I stand up and grab our carry on bags. We walk out of the plane with Tanner's family and we finally get out of the airport. We were renting a van, so we got in and we eventually found the house we were staying in. It was a nice, plain white house that looked small on the front, but seemed to be long.

Tanner and I held hands as we walked into the house. It had a nice kitchen and living room area. It looked so nice. Tanner picked out a nice sized bedroom for the both of us. It was a bit small, but it worked. All of the bedrooms were about he same size.

Tanner jumps on the bed as I laugh and carefully lay down on the bed. When I lay down, Tanner stops jumping and he sits next to me.

"So, do you want to go anywhere?" Tanner asks.

"Nah, I just wanna chill with you." I smile.

"Aw." Tanner smiles and pulls me in closer.

Just then, our door opened and Kim walked in.

"Hey mom." Tanner said.

"Hey. So, um, I just wanted to let you guys know that you guys will not do anything inappropriate, or anything like that. Just for the sake of the world." Kim laughs. I loved Kim so much because she could make any uncomfortable situation funny.

"Of course, mom." Tanner smiled.

"Okay, sounds good." I smile too.

"Thank you, now, Tristan, Taylor and I are going to go out shopping, so, if you guys need to go anywhere, call an uber." Kim says and walks out.

"Okay, bye mom, have fun!" Tanner calls out.

"So, what should we do?" I ask.

"Hmm, we could make out... just a suggestion." Tanner shrugs and laughs.

I laugh too, "Sounds good to me."

Tanner leans over my body and kisses me passionately. I hear the door open and close, so I assume Tanner's family left. He continues to kiss me and I kiss him back. I wrap my arms slowly around his neck and he moves his leg over to the other side of my body so he's basically on top of me. I start to kiss his neck, but I quickly stop and I make us switch positions so now I'm on top. I begin to kiss his neck and make sure that I leave maybe a faint mark.

"Ugh, I wish we could do so much more." Tanner groans and sighs.

"Yeah, but I respect your mom too much." I say and frown.

"Yeah. Hey, wanna go get an uber and go out for breakfast? We'll check out some places before we go." Tanner says.

"Okay. Let's look." I say and get off of Tanner, pulling out my phone. We both look at nearby restaurants and we settle on a small restaurant in town, not too far from here. We decide to walk because it would only take ten minutes.

We walk down to the tiny restaurant and there are about 8 other people in there. We order our drinks and we order our food as well. We quickly ate and drank because we were so tired. It was about 10 am and we didn't want to fall asleep. We planned on seeing Tanner Fox, Tanner's friend, after taking a nap. That was my choice.

We finally finished eating and Tanner said that he would pay for the food, after minutes of me telling him that I would pay. We finished up and walked out of the restaurant. Tanner wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked all the way back to the house. We entered the small white home, seeing Tanner's family.

"Where did you guys go?" Tristan asked, scrolling through his phone.

"We went to a small restaurant about ten minutes away from here." Tanner answered.

"Oh, nice. Well, I'm going to go take a nap." Taylor yawns and walks out of the living room/kitchen.

"Yeah, me too." I yawn as I walk into our room and Tanner follows me.

We both fall asleep in the bed and take a three hour nap. It was a really great nap, because it was peaceful and quiet. We got up and I fixed my outfit and hair. We told Kim that we were going to see Tanner Fox. We call up an uber and they drive us to Tanner's house.

Tanner=Tanner Braungardt
Tanner Fox=Tanner Fox
It will stay that way so it doesn't get confusing.

Tanner knocks on the front door as I stand behind him. A woman opens up the door and tells us that Tanner is in his room. We enter a small room as Tanner takes my hand.

"Tanner!" Tanner smiles and walks over, to whom I think is Tanner Fox.

"Hey! I'm so glad to see you!" Tanner Fox smiles and hugs Tanner.

"Yeah, great to see you too." Tanner smiles.

"Who's that?" Tanner Fox asks, mentioning to me.

"Oh, that's my girlfriend, Lia." Tanner smiles.

"Oh, hey Lia. I'm Tanner." Tanner Fox smiles and shakes my hand. I gladly shake it back and return the smile.

"Nice to meet you." I say and hold Tanner's hand.

"Nice to meet you too. Well, let's film." Tanner Fox suggests.

"Yeah." Tanner agrees, continuing to hold my hand.

"Let's go." Tanner Fox smiles.

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now