Chapter 2

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"LIAAA!" Quentin yells as my door slams open.

"AH! WHAT THE FRICK?!" I bolt up from my bed. Not a great way to wake up...

"Ahah! I got you!" Quentin laughs.

I throw a pillow at him and groan.

"Cmon! We're going bridge jumping!" Quentin exclaims.

"What the hell is bridge jumping? If it includes suicide I'm out." I say and slide out of bed.

"No! We jump off a bridge and land in the water! It's fun! It's just like cliff jumping!" Quentin exclaims.

"Agh. I'll get changed. Now get out!" I yell as a text message pops up on my phone. It was from Tanner.

The text read: "Hey, you going bridge jumping with us today?"

I responded: "Yeah, but I'm kinda nervous..."

I find a pair of high waisted shorts and a shirt that said 'Santa Cruz' on it. I brushed out my hair as my phone buzzed again. Another text from Tanner. Great.

"I'll jump with you, then. If that's alright with you." He responded.

"Okie 😁 sounds good. We'll be at ur place in a few." I smile as I send the text.

I grab my one piece swimsuit as Quentin tells me to hurry up and I groan. I brushed my teeth quickly and then I left. We get into Quentin's car and head off to Tanner's house. We get there and we walk through Tanner's front door. Tanner comes up in colorful swim trunks.

"Hey, Tanner." I smile.

"Hey, Lia." Tanner slightly blushes, "You can go change into your swimsuit if you want."

"Okay. I'll be back." I smile and wander off to the bathroom. I quickly undress and I change into my burgundy swimsuit. I tie my brown hair into a ponytail. I stick all of my clothes into a bag and Quentin hands me a towel.

"Where should I keep my bag?" I ask Tanner.

"Oh, um, uh," He stutters, "Here, I'll take it."

He takes my bag and hangs it in the closet so the dogs can't get it. Dylan walks up the stairs and we all head out the door. Tanner pulls out his camera as we take Quentin's car. Tanner and I sit in back as Dylan and Quentin sit in front.

"Hey guys! So today, Quentin, Dylan, Lia, and I are going to jump off of the bridge!" Tanner smiles as I wave at the camera.

"Vlog it, gurl!" Tanner laughs and hands me the camera.

"Oh, um, hey." I smile and laugh.

"Great, great!" Tanner laughs.

"We are going to go jump off of a bridge which seems really scary..." I sigh.

"But I'll be here for you." Tanner smiles.

Quentin takes a sharp left turn as I go flying over by Tanner and we both laugh.

"Anyway, we'll be there in a few, so we'll talk when we get there." Tanner takes the camera from me and stops recording.


We finally get to the bridge and it's filled with graffiti. A lot of swear words. It seemed pretty sketchy and dangerous, but oh well. Just gonna send it.

"Hopefully the cops don't come down here again." Tanner says as we get out of the car.

"The cops were called?!" I ask as Quentin chuckles.

"Yeah, but we won't get in trouble." Tanner shrugs it off.

We all get set up as Tanner jumps in first, to make sure the water is safe. He gives an all clear as they set up cameras. Tanner walks up and Quentin jumps off.

We look down and see him splash in the water, "Woo!"

I laugh as Tanner takes my hand and walks me over to the ledge of the bridge. We don't stand on the railing yet.

"Ugh, I'm so scared!" I frown.

"It'll be okay." Tanner hugs me lightly.

"Are you sure?" I smile and hug him back.

"Yes, in positive. Just don't back flop." Tanner laughs.

"I won't try." I giggle.

Tanner continues to hold my hand as he steps up on the railing. I slowly step up too as Dylan films us.

"Okay, on the count of 3... 1,2,3!" Tanner tells as we jump off. We fall through the air and we hit the cold water.

"Ah! That was so fun!" I giggle as Tanner helps me out of the water.

"I knew you'd like it." Tanner smiles.

We walked back up as I just watched them jump off and do some cool tricks. I sat down on the ledge of the bridge and watched them do a few more stuff. They all came back up and were being oddly quiet. I heard someone running towards me and it was Quentin. He tackled me off the ledge and we both fell into the water.

"Ah! Quentin!" I laughed as I came up from the water.

"Got em!" Quentin yells as Tanner laughs, filming.

We both walk up as Tanner asks if I wanted to jump off again. I agreed and Tanner took my hand again and we jumped off. It was really fun. We made it back up as Tanner encouraged me to do a flip.

"I am not doing a flip off of this bridge!" I say.

"Cmon, I'll do it!" Quentin says.

"Ugh, I'm not gonna do it." I roll my eyes.

"Cmon, it's easy." Tanner says, "Just flow into it."

"I can try, but if I get hurt!" I point at Tanner.

"Okay, I get it, I get it!" Tanner laughs.

"Are you gonna go with me?" I ask.

"Nah, I'll watch though. I'll still be here." Tanner smiles.

"Okay. Here goes nothing." I sigh and climb up on the ledge of the bridge. Tanner stands at the railing to watch me. I listen to what Tanner said and I jump off. I turn my body to do a flip, but since it was such a long way down, my body turned weird and I semi back flopped.

"Agh!" I yell.

"You okay?" Tanner asks.

I try to catch my breath, "I-I don- no."

Tanner quickly jumps in and immediately goes towards me, "Lia!"

Tanner comes over to me as I start to cough. Quentin jumps in too, and swims over to me, "Are you okay?"

I cough more, "I just got the wind knocked out of me."

"Here, I'll check your back, it seemed pretty nasty." Tanner said. He turned me the other way around and examined my back.

"Ooh, it's all red!" Quentin said.

Tanner touched it lightly and I winced in pain.

"Oh! Sorry!" Tanner said and helped me to the river bank.

"He told you not to back flop." Quentin laughs.

"Well it's not like I tried." I giggled.

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now