Chapter 24

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I sigh and pick up my ringing phone. It's gone off for about 20 minutes. They were calls from Dylan.

"What do you want?" I grumble.

"I want you to talk to Tan-" Dylan starts.

"No!" I yell.

"Lia..." Dylan sighs.

"What?" I ask harshly.

"Just tell him your side." Dylan says.

"Why? I tried that and it obviously didn't go as planned." I rolled my eyes.

"Try again. He said he wants to talk to you." Dylan sighs again.

"Fine! But if he yells at me, I'm done." I say sternly and get out of bed.

"Yay!" Dylan squeals through the phone and I just hang up on him, being the nice friend I am. Note the sarcasm.

I get to my bathroom and leave my messy bun in. I get into an oversized sweatshirt from Quentin and a pair of leggings. I then slip on a pair of Crocs and walk out of the house, picking up my lanyard. I walk out to my truck and I drive over to Tanner's house. I don't turn on any music because I'm not in the mood.

I park in Tanner's driveway and walk up to his house. Tanner comes out before I even take 5 steps away from my car.

"Hey." Tanner says.

"Hi..." I say awkwardly and stand where I am as Tanner walks up to me.

"So, um, how are you?" He asks, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"I-" I start, but I don't want to lie, "I-I'm okay..."

"Yeah... so, um, what brought you here?" Tanner asks.

"I just wanted to explain everything..." I say nervously, shaking a bit.

"Okay..." Tanner purses his lips.

"So, um, anyways, Dylan went with me in the car and he helped me calm down after I saw the thing with you and that Paris girl. I was crying so much a-and I don't know what I was thinking but I kissed him and I didn't mean it, I real-" I get cut off by Tanner kissing my lips softly and lightly pushing me against my truck.

"I-I really missed you." Tanner said after kissing me.

"Me too." I smile.

"I can tell something's wrong." Tanner frowns.

My smile disappears. I haven't told Tanner about my depression. I mean, we weren't that close back then anyways.

"Y-Yeah, something was wrong." I frown.

"You can tell me anything." Tanner smiles, lifting up my chin.

"Ok... So, um, I have to tell you something. I used to be depressed..." I say quietly.

"Oh, well you don't have it anymore is what you're saying?" Tanner asks.

"Well, kinda. I had a small bit depression after the incident last week." I frown again.

"B-Because of me?" Tanner asks.

"Well, no, not a lot of it. It was mostly Lexi... she's a bully and it was just really bad." I say.

"What would she say?" He asks, holding my hand.

"She would call me a whore and she would call you a fuckboy. I don't understand why it's me." I groan as a tear falls down my face and Tanner hugs me tightly.

"Oh, hun, don't listen to her. You're beautiful and I love you so much." Tanner smiles and kisses my forehead.

"Thank you, baby." I smile and hug him again.

"Anytime, princess." Tanner smiles and takes my hands.

We walk inside and go into his basement. We walk into his room and we chill on his bed watching my pick, That 70's Show.

A/n: Bruh who else watches that 70's show? It's literally amazing.

And I feel dead and I want chocolate so bad rnnnnn. Ughhhhh.

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now