Chapter 11

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(Oh my god guys, there's so many more readers by the day 😂👌🏼❤️)

"Lia.... Liiiia! LIA!" Tanner yells.

"Huh?! O-Oh, sorry." I laugh and yawn.

"Cmon, we gotta get ready." Tanner says and turn on his light, which makes me cover my face with the blanket.

"Ugh, what time is it?" I groan.

"3 am." Tanner responds.

"Why the hell did you wake me up at 3 in the morning?" I groan again and remove the blanket. Tanner was changing his shirt, so he was shirtless right now, which basically made him irresistible to me.

"Because, we need to leave by 4 to get on the plane at 5." Tanner responds, grabbing a shirt from his dresser.

I walk over to him and I hug his bare chest.

"What are you doing?" Tanner laughs.

"You're warm." I smile as my oversized sweatshirt hangs off my arms.

"Why are you cold? You're wearing a sweatshirt." Tanner smiles and holds me.

"I'm wearing spandex, duh." I laugh.

"Ohh." Tanner laughs.

I continue to hug him for about a minute more and we just talk.

"Okay, we need to hurry, let go." Tanner smiles.

"But I don't wanna." I frown and hug him tighter.

"Lia..." Tanner sighs.

"What? You're so warm and I love you." I smile.

"I love you too, but we need to get ready." Tanner laughs.

"Okay, fine." I let go of him and sigh. I walk over to my bag that I was supposed to have for staying here for two more days while my family was camping. I changed into this:

"Aww, you're wearing my merch

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"Aww, you're wearing my merch." Tanner smiles.

"Yeah, of course." I smile, clipping my necklace on.

"You look so cute." Tanner teases.

"Stop." I laugh.

I finish clipping my necklace on and we head out his bedroom door. Tanner says he forgot a sweatshirt so he goes in his room quickly and grabs two sweatshirts.

 Tanner says he forgot a sweatshirt so he goes in his room quickly and grabs two sweatshirts

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We get upstairs as Tanner hands me his red adidas sweatshirt. I thank him and hold onto it.

"Hey, you guys just about ready?" Kim asks us.

"Yeah, in ready." Tanner smiles, holding my hand.

"I'm ready too. I can't wait!" I smile widely.

"Okay, well, we'll be leaving once Tristan gets down here." Kim sighs.

"Okay. Let's go put our bags in the car." Tanner says.

"Okay." I smile and let go of Tanner's so I can throw on the sweatshirt. I take my suitcase and my carry on bag outside to the car. We pack all of our stuff in as Tristan and Taylor walk out.

Taylor and I don't exactly talk to each other. We're not as close anymore, but we're still friends.

Tanner and I say bye to Rose and Luna through the gate. They of course will miss us. Tanner and I climb in the way back as Kim and Tristan get front seat and Taylor gets the middle seat. Tanner and I listen to music together while we drive to the airport.

After 35 minutes, we finally arrive. We all pile out of the car and get out luggage out of the back. We go to the entrance and we do all of the ticket stuff and we wait until we can board. It takes about 20 minutes until we can board a flight.

(I have never been in an airport to go anywhere, so I don't know what it's like)

"You ready?" Tanner smiles.

"Yeah. I have only been on a plane one other time, I think." I nod as we get to our seats.

We put our carry on bags up above as Kim, Tristan, and Taylor sit behind us and by the time the flight is about to start, no one has sat by us, which I consider us lucky. The plane started up and Tanner gave me a stick of sugar free gum (because she has braces in the book). I take it out of its wrapper and I chew it. The pilot announces that we can not have our cellphones or any device on until they say we can.

Tanner and I casually small talk as they announce the flight will begin in a minute. The first time that I was on a plane, the only time, I was terrified of taking off. It was the worst experience of my life and I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of Tanner.

"You excited?" Tanner asks for maybe the thousandth time.

"Yeah." I say nervously, knowing that we're taking off in seconds.

"What's wrong?" Tanner asks, clearly seeing my frowning face.

"We are lifting off now, please stay seated and enjoy the flight. Thank you." The flight attendant says over the speakers.

I start to shake a bit as I feel the plane lurch forward.

"Oh, you don't like the take off." Tanner says, wrapping his arm around me.

I nod my head furiously as Tanner laughs.

"It's not funny." I pout as we go even faster and I quickly hold on to Tanner tightly.

"Woah, uh, okay." Tanner adjusts to me being wrapped around him. He slowly puts his arms down and comforts me as we go into the sky. I start to shake as he tries to calm me down.

"Shh, honey, it's okay." Tanner smiles and rubs my back.

I eventually calm down and the speaker says that we can go on devices now. I pull out my phone as I look outside our plane window. The view is breathtaking because the sun is just rising. I post a picture on my Snapchat and one on my Instagram.

"You alright now?" Tanner ask.

"Yeah, I am. Thanks." I smile and kiss him.

He kisses me back and smiles.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now