Chapter 19

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(I know I'm updating a lot on this book, but I really like writing it and I don't like to leave u guys waiting 😂 u guys might hate me during this chapter.... oops 🙊)

Tanner was still sleeping when I woke up the next morning, so I quickly posted a picture of Tanner and I laying in bed. I posted it on my snap because that's what I do.

I feel back asleep, but maybe an hour later, I woke up to giggling. Tanner and I both groaned and I snuggled more into his chest. Little did we know, Quentin and Dylan were taking pictures of us.

I groan again and throw a pillow at them and I check my phone. My twitter was blowing up and I saw what it was. People were apparently saying that Tanner had been cheating on me with a girl named 'Paris'. I wasn't home for one night and that's what he does. A picture also surfaced online too. Two did actually.... here was one of them.

I scoffed and threw my pillow at Tanner and I felt tears coming

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I scoffed and threw my pillow at Tanner and I felt tears coming.

"Wha- What's wrong?" Tanner asked.

"What's wrong? You should freaking know what's wrong!" I showed him the picture.

"Woah, Sis, what's wrong?" Quentin asked.

"I can exp-" Tanner starts.

"I'm sorry, but I don't wanna hear it, Tanner." I feel a few tears fall down my face.

I run out the door and I hear someone come behind me. I didn't bother to look because I didn't care at this point. I hopped in my truck and started it up, tears still streaming down my face. I saw Dylan go in the passenger seat.

"Dylan-" I start.

"Shh, listen, it's okay." Dylan soothes me.

I put the car in drive and Dylan looks at me like I'm insane, "What, Dylan? What do you want?"

"I want you to pull over." He said.

"Dylan..." I start as I feel more tears come down.

"Lia! Pull over!" Dylan yells.

I do that and I rest my hands on the steering wheel and completely breakdown. I loved Tanner and I gave him all of my love. I can't believe he ever did this to me.

"It's okay, just take deep breathes." Dylan tells me and scoots over to the middle seat and puts his arm around me and I just turn and bury my face into his chest and cry even more. He just rubs my back and soothes me.

I calm down a bit more and only a few tears stream down my face. Dylan wipes my tears away from underneath my eyes and moves the hair out of my face. One strand falls back in my face and he puts it behind my ear. He quickly kissed my lips and his lips were so soft.

"Wow." I whispered and touched my lips.

Dylan just blushes, "Sorry, I've been wanting to do that-"

I pull his face into mine and I kiss him again, wanting to feel them again. I know, it may seem like I'm going guy to guy, but Tanner was my first boyfriend. I try to get the thought of Tanner out of my mind so I don't cry again, because the last thing Dylan probably wants is a girl crying while kissing him.

I push him down on my seats and I roughly kiss him.

"Are you sure you're not just doing this because you just broke up with Tanner?" Dylan asks.

"Wow... okay, I see how it is." I sit up on him.

"But, I just don't wanna be used." Dylan frowns.

"You're not. I promise." I grab his pinky and make him pinky promise me.

"Okay." Dylan smiles as I go down to kiss him again. We make out for a good 5 minutes until the car door opens and it's Quentin.

"Lia...?" Quentin asks.

"Oh, uhm...." I blush.

"Cmon, let's go." Quentin rolls his eyes and drags me out.

"What about my truck?" I ask.

"Ugh. Are you okay to drive?" Quentin asks me, setting me down.

"Yeah. I think I'm okay now." I smile.

"And no more kissing Dylan." Quentin says.

"I'm sorry. It just happened a-" I start.

"Tell me when we get home. And Dylan! Get out of my sister's truck!" Quentin yells.

"I'll drop him off at his house." I say and Quentin agrees.

I hop back in and start up the car again.

"Sorry." Dylan blushes and rubs the back of his neck.

"It's fine." I smile and turn on the radio. We completely sit in silence on the way to Dylan's house. His house was only two blocks away from ours. So it took like 9 minutes to get to his house. Anyways, we got to his house and I let him out.

"Bye." I wave.

"Bye." Dylan smiles.

I drive off back to my house and I park behind Quentin's car. I hopped out and walked to my front door.

I heard a ding on my phone and it said that Tanner posted a tweet: "Damn, I really messed up..."

Well, no duh. I thought in my head.

I walked into my house and into Q's room.

"Wanna talk about you and Dylan?" Quentin asked.

"I guess..." I shrugged and sat on his bed.

"It's okay if you don't." Quentin said, rubbing my back.

"No, it's fine." I sighed and began with the story. I finished saying everything and Quentin just sighed.

"So, um what exactly happened with to and Tanner?" Quentin asked.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I groan as a tear strolls down my face.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Quentin wraps his arms around me and I sobbed into his chest. That was the last thing I remember before drifting off to sleep.

(Ahhh I'm sorry if you guys hate me now after that. Don't worry, it'll all be okay 😂 just calm. I'll have a new one today (depending on where u live. It's 2 am here so sometime today I'll upload) but idk what time. I'm sorry for crushing ur dreams.... I just needed something to break them apart for a bit.)

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