Chapter 8

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(Ok, so um... this chapter might be a little bad because literally a house behind my house (if that makes sense) are doing new roofing and they're blasting Mexican music and also yelling so yeah. I'm just so unfocused atm 😂😭)

"So, we're a thing now..." Tanner says.

"Um, I guess." I smile as Tanner takes my hand and then wraps his arm around me.

He holds me close to him as I also wrap one of my arms around him. Tanner smiles and sets his head on top of mine.


Tanner's phone went off. He quickly checked it,  "Oh, well, Dylan left. He said he was needed at home. So, now we're alone."

"Great." I smile as Tanner sets down his phone.

"So, what should we do?" Tanner asks.

"I don't know." I shrug.

"Um, I need to film a video, so how about 24 hour challenge in the pool?" Tanner asks.

"Sure, but we need something to fill up the time in in between." I say as Tanner let's go of me and gets off of his bed.

"We can work on the pool. Clean it, get pool floaties. All that stuff." Tanner says.

"Okay. Sounds like a plan." I smile.

Tanner and I set up the pool stuff and clean it for another hour. By then, it's 11 am. We decide to go in and eat lunch, which is mac n cheese. It was good. After we eat, we chill out for a bit in Tanner's room. It's about 4:38 pm now.

*ring ring*

My phone rings as I see Quentin's name appear. I sigh and answer the call.

"Hey." Quentin says.

"Hey. What'd you need?" I ask.

"Oh, um, I was wondering if you were coming home soon. We're going camping and we wanted to know if you're coming with. If you're not, Kim said it would be okay if you stayed over at Tanner's." Quentin says.

"Oh, um, I think I'll stay here. Thanks for asking though." I said.

"Yup. Anytime, sis. Love you, stay safe." Quentin says.

"Mhmm, love you too." I smile and hang up.

"What was that about?" Tanner asks.

"Oh, um, Quentin wanted to know if I wanted to go camping with the family but I said nah and I'm staying at your place for a while then." I explained.

"Oh, okay. Let's go swim now!" Tanner says.

"Okay, fine." I say and get up. I change in Tanner's bathroom as he changes in his room.

I change into my swimsuit:

 I walk out of the bathroom and I see Tanner standing by the stairs

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I walk out of the bathroom and I see Tanner standing by the stairs. He's wearing his click bait swim trunks, which are very colorful. I walk over to him and I hop on his back, in which he was recording.

"Here she is!" Tanner laughs.

"Hiiii!" I smile and wave to the camera as Tanner carries me up the stairs as I take his camera.

"So, we are going to the pool." Tanner says as we get to the top of the stairs. I flip the camera on Tanner. I film us going outside as Tanner sets me down as he goes to set up the tripod and put the camera on top.

I walk over by the pool to feel the temperature of the water and Tanner pushes me in.

I swim up to the surface, "Tanner!"

Tanner just stands there laughing at me.

I sigh and roll my eyes. I climb out of the pool as Tanner goes over to the trampolines that are set up by the deep end of the pool. He does a flip and lands in the pool. I then go on the trampoline and also do a flip off.

We swim around for a bit and by now, it's 6 pm. Tanner's mom brought us some pizza and we ate it by the pool. After we were done eating, we went to film the 24 hours in the pool. The pool was kinda cold, so every once in a while we'd go in to the hot tub.

"Okay, so it's 12:52 pm..." Tanner says to the camera, "And we are probably gonna stay awake all night or sleep on one of the floaties but I'm not sure."

"It's cold." I slightly whine.

Tanner laughs, "So we might film a bit more."

So, that's what we did. We filmed a bit more of us swimming around. A little bit of a montage of us messing around with each other. We decided to stop filming and we went into the hot tub. Tanner wrapped his arms around me as I smiled. I put my head on his chest as he looked into my eyes. His eyes were a gorgeous color. They were breathtaking.

"Lia." Tanner said.

"Tanner." I said back.

"I-I love you." Tanner said and he kissed me. There were sparks flying everywhere. My body was tingling, I don't know if it was from the kiss or how cold it was. I kissed him back, not that I really knew how to kiss, I just went with the flow.

We disconnected our lips, "Did you know you're my first kiss?"

"Really?" Tanner asked.

"Yeah." I smiled.

Goddamn how I loved that kid.

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now