Chapter 9

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Well, after the kiss we went in the pool then Tanner fell asleep on a floatie so I went to go sleep in his empty bed, it was nice and warm since his heating blanket was on. I climbed into his bed and I quickly fell asleep.

I woke up to Tanner yelling, "You traitor!"

I jumped out of the bed and I see Tanner laughing with his camera.

"Huh?" I rub my eyes.

"You didn't stay in the pool all night!" Tanner scolded me.

"Oh, right. Oops." I shrug my shoulders and laugh.

"Oops isn't gonna cut it." Tanner smirks.

"Fine, I'm sorry." I laugh.

"Nope, still not gonna cut it." Tanner grabs my arm and smirks.

"Ugh, what's gonna cut it then?" I smile.

"A kiss." Tanner smiles.

"A kiss?" I laugh.

"You heard me." Tanner says.

"Fine." I smirk and I lean my face into his. I put my hand at the back of his head and I push my lips onto his. It wasn't just a kiss, it was more of making out.

"Wow." Tanner says after we kissed. He stopped recording and set his camera down.

I just smirk and I walk out of the room, desperate to find some food. I end up having some toaster pastries left over from the night shenanigans. I hear the front door open and Dylan appears.

"Oh, hey." I smile.

"Hi. Where's Tanner?" Dylan asks.

"Downstairs." I reply.

"Okay. So, what are ya doing?" He asks.

"Making food..." I reply.

"Nice..." I could feel the awkwardness between us. It's been that way ever since Tanner and I have been a thing I guess.

"Yeah. Well, I'm gonna head downstairs." I say, grabbing my toaster pastries that had the cream on them.

"Okay, I'll go too." Dylan says.

We both head downstairs into Tanner's room. He's playing his daily dose of Guitar Hero.

"Hey Tanner." Dylan says.

"Oh, hey Dylan." Tanner says, focusing on his guitar skills.

I sit on the bed and I plug in my charger to my phone. I scroll through my twitter and I post a few stuff such as:

"I guess you could say I'm in love 😍🙈"

"He completes me ❤️😘"


"Hanging out with my favorites! @The17thSteven and @Braungardtanner Miss my bro tho @TheQMcConathy 😘"

Those were good enough. I go to my Instagram next and post a photo:

 I go to my Instagram next and post a photo:

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"Thinkin' bout you❤️😘"

I get done with my Instagram and by then it's about 11 am now.

"I have to get home. I have some school to finish up." Dylan says and gets up.

"Okay, see ya." Tanner waves goodbye.

"Bye Mylan Ditchell!" I yell as Dylan walks out the door. I hear him chuckle.

"So, what should we do?" Tanner asks.

"I don't know, you tell me." I smile.

"Okayyyy. Let's go for lunch." Tanner suggests.

I shrug, "Eh, I guess."

"Okay, get ready." Tanner smiles.

"Okay, I will." I smile back.

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now