Chapter 3

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"So, Lia, we're gonna stay here tonight. Is that okay?" Quentin asks.

"Sure, I don't care." I shrug.

"You can sleep in my bed." Tanner smiles.

"Nice try." I laugh and push his head, "I'm sleeping in Taylor's room."

"Okay, suit yourself." Tanner smirks as I walk out of the room.

I smile to myself as I walk up the basement stairs. I walk by the living room and I walk up the flight of stairs. I walk into Taylor's beautiful room. I've always loved her style and decoration. I change into some PINK joggers and a comfy sweatshirt that was Quentin's. I always steal my brothers sweatshirt becuase they were comfier than my own. I climb into bed as I fall asleep.

I wake up at around 1:42 am from a nightmare. I have this nightmare about once a month or once every other month. My family got into a car accident in which my dad died. Quentin, my mom, and I thankfully survived. But, in my nightmare, I relive the horrific scene, seeing my dad covered in blood and his body, lifeless. (Okay, we all know Quentin's dad didn't actually die in a car crash but this is how it is in the book)

I quickly walk downstairs quietly and I walk down the basement stairs as well. I walk into Tanner's room and I see him on his laptop.

"Hey, what are you doing up?" Tanner asks quietly, trying not to wake Quentin up, in which he was laying on the floor with Rose.

"I-I had a nightmare." I frown.

"Well, come here." Tanner pats down on the bed next to him.

I sit down and cover myself with the blanket that was on his bed. I find Luna under the covers and she snuggles up to me.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Tanner asks, shutting off his laptop.

"Eh, I don't know. I mean, it's just, every month or so, I have a nightmare about when my dad di-" I started and a few tears fell down my face.

Tanner wraps his arm around me and wipes my tears away, "Shh, it's okay."

I quietly sob as Luna snuggles her head up more as Tanner wraps his other arm around me, too. We fall asleep in each other's arms, peacefully.


I wake up groggily as I yawn. Tanner nor Quentin were awake. I walked into Tanner's bathroom and saw that some of my makeup was smudged. I wiped it off and heard someone yawn in the other room. I walked out and I saw Tanner rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning, Lia." Tanner smiled.

"Good morning." I yawn and sit in bed with him.

Tanner pulls the blanket over me and I lay on his chest. He plays with the ends of my hair. I smile as he wraps his arm around me.

"How's your back?" Tanner asked.

"It's good. It feels a lot better." I smile as I hear someone get up.

"Hey Tanner- oh, Lia? What are you doing in here?" Quentin asks.

"Oh, um, I had a nightmare last night so I came in here." I said.

"Ooh, okay." Quentin smiles. Quentin understands a lot of things. He's not judgmental.

I smile as I see Luna again and I snuggle her. She playfully bites me and I giggle. Tanner smiles as he gets up out of his bed and he heads to his bathroom.

"So, you like him?" Quentin asks and hops on Tanner's bed, next to me.

I scoff, "No."

"Lia..." Quentin smiles.

"Fine, okay! I like him, a little. But do not, and I mean do not, tell Tanner!" I jab my finger into his chest.

"I won't. But can I tell you something?" Quentin asks, smiling.

"What is it?" I roll my eyes and Luna crawls on my chest.

"Tanner likes you back." Quentin whispers.

"He has a girlfriend. He does not like me." I laugh.

"Does too!" Quentin raises his eyebrows.

"Whatever. I'm gonna go to Taylor's room and find some clothes to wear. I'll be back in a few." I get up from the bed and walk out of Tanner's room.

I walk up the stairs and I go to Taylor's room and I find an adidas sweatshirt and a pair of leggings. I'll return them later. I exit her room and I tie my hair into a ponytail as I walk down the stairs. I say good morning to Kim and I walk downstairs to Tanner's room. I open his door and I see that Quentin and Tanner are shirtless, per usual.

"Hey guys." I smile as I sit down in one of the beanbag chairs.

"Hey." Tanner smiles as he finds his camera.

"Little sissy!" Quentin says and jumps over to me. He hugs me tightly as I giggle.

"Hey guys! Today is Sunday so we decided to just chill out today. I always try to do stuff and go out but today I think we're all kinda tired so, we'll tell you if anything is going on." Tanner says and walks around.

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now