Chapter 26

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"Tanner." I whine.

"What?" Tanner asks, giggling.

"Stop kissing my neck. I swear I will kick you in the throat." I sigh and roll my eyes.

"Make me." Tanner smiles, continuing to ignore my wishes.

"Tanner..." I sigh again as I push him off of me.

"Cmon, babe." Tanner sighs.

"No, I already told you I don't feel good." I roll my eyes and pick up my phone.

"Aww. But I love you." Tanner whines.

"I love you too, but I'm tired and don't feel good." I sigh as I feel stomach pains.

I've always hated getting my period. It's the worst thing on the planet. Why does this have to happen?!

"I'm sorry, baby." Tanner frowns.

"It's fine, I just want chocolate." I laugh.

"Ooooh... That's why you don't feel good." Tanner smiles.

"Yeah." I sigh and roll over, holding my stomach in pain.

"You want some ibuprofen? Or I could give you some Midol." Tanner suggests.

"Why do you have Midol?" I laugh.

"Taylor and my mom." Tanner laughs.

"Right." I laugh.

"I'll go get you some." Tanner says getting out of bed and kissing me before he runs upstairs.

Tanner comes back a few minutes later and gives me a pill and a glass of water. I'm lucky to have him.

"Thank you." I smile.

"Yup." Tanner smiles and crawls over me to get in the other side of the bed.

"Wanna go for a walk?" I ask.

"Sure, let me just find my shoes." Tanner says.

"Okay." I take the pill and swallow it down with some water.

We get ready and we walk outside. It was pretty nice out, considering it was the end of September. We hold hands and we swing our arms as we walk. I start to slow down a bit, feeling like my head will explode.

"You okay hun?" Tanner asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smile weakly.

"Are you sure?" Tanner asks as we stop.

I let go of his hand quickly, "Yeah, I'm sure."

I sigh as I feel a bit dizzy.

"You don't look okay..." Tanner gives me a worried look.

"Truest me. I'm fi-" I start out but I feel my body completely give out and I hit the ground.

"Lia!" I hear a muffled voice before I hear nothing but silence.

Everything went black and from there, I don't remember anything. It was all nothing. No feeling, no sound. Nothing. Just blackness.

Did u guys like the cliffhanger ending? Idk, it was kinda weak in my opinion. Buuut are you ready for book 2?! LET'S GOOOOO! lol what's wrong with me? Why am I like this? 😂 anywayssss book 2 should be out today I hope

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now