Chapter 4

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"Well, we gotta go home, mom said. We'll be back tomorrow." Quentin says.

"Aw, okay." I frown.

"Bye, Lia!" Tanner smiles and hugs me.

"Bye! I had a lot of fun!" I smile and hug him back.

Quentin and I walk out of Tanner's room and we head out of their house. On the car ride home, Quentin doesn't shut up about how Tanner and I would be a cute couple. I roll my eyes as we finally get home. I sigh of relief and get out of Quentin's car. I walk inside as I go into my room and I plug in my phone to the charger. My iPhone was at 3% because I had to keep myself busy while Quentin talked about Tanner and I.


A notification popped up and it was a Snapchat from Tanner. I opened it and it said "Hey beautiful ❤️🙈😏"

I smiled and sent him a selfie saying, "Hey ✌🏻🙋🏼"

He then texted me because he looked like crap apparently, but he don't look like crap. He's cute. Oh jeesh, what's wrong with me?

Tanner: hey ;)

Me: hey :D

Tanner: how are you?

Me: meh... tired 😴

Tanner: low key, same.

Me: well, ima go to sleep. Goodnight.

Tanner: don't dream about me ;)

Me: oh, I won't try ;)

I smile as I send the last text and I set my phone down on the bedstand table. It was roughly 10:53 when I fell asleep.


I wake up from my phone buzzing. My Instagram blows up with 60,500 more followers. I check my dms and I have people asking if Tanner and I are dating. Hmm? Why would they ask that? It's basically blown up over the whole Tanner Braungardt fandom. I knew this was going to happen-the following part- but I didn't think it would be this fast.

I climb out of bed as I see my mom making us scrambled eggs. I see Quentin follow behind me, recently waking up as well.

"Hey, Quen." I smile.

"Hey, Lia." He yawns. I show him all of the recent dms as we sit at the breakfast bar.

"Knew it." Quentin smiles.

"What?" My mom asks.

"Oh, I was in a video with Tanner and such, and now people think we're dating." I scoff.

"Aww, you two would be so cute!" My mom smiles as she puts the eggs in two separate plates.

"See, I'm not the only one." Quentin laughs.

"Ugh, there is no way we would ever be together." I laugh.

"Mhm, sure." Quentin says as my mom hands us our plates.

"Yeah. I've gotten a lot of new followers too. I guess being in Tanner's videos will do that to you." I shrugged.

"Hey, wanna go over to Tanner's after we're done eating?" Quentin asks.

"Sure." I shrug and take a bite of my eggs.

Quentin and I finish eating as I go back into my room to change. I get on a pair of leggings and a heavy sweatshirt since it was April. It was still kinda cold. I grab my phone off of my charger and walk out of my room. Quentin puts on his shoes as I slip on a pair of Adidas slides.

"Let's go sista!" Quentin laughs as he grabs his phone.

"Ok. Bye mom!" I yell and walk out of the house.

"Bye mom!" Quentin yells, walking out of the house as well.

"Bye kids!" My mom yells.

Quentin and I go into his car and we drove off to Tanner's house.


Quentin and I walk downstairs to Tanner's room. We get close to his door and we hear him talking to, what we think, the camera.

"And I just want you guys to understand. That's, like, my biggest concern. You guys probably grew to love her as much as I did, even though she was super super quiet. But, hey, that's what I wanted because I wanted a girl to balance me out. You guys see me and it's all:" Tanner then makes some goofy noises as Quentin and I stand behind the door, listening, "But like I said, it's just what needs to happen, and, I guess that's all I wanted to say. And, I'll see you guys in the next video. Thank you guys so much for listening, and thank you guys for all the love. Rose loves you too. And please don't go send hate to Paris or anything like that. I guess that's it, I love you guys and I'll see you all in the next video. Peace out."

Quentin and I slowly walk in.

"Hey. Is everything okay?" Quentin asks.

Tanner looks at us while hugging Rose, "Oh, yeah."

"What happened?" I asked, walking over to him.

"I don't really want to talk about it." Tanner says.

"It's okay." I say and sit on his bed. I see his eyes a bit red, probably from crying.

"If you don't want to, it's fine." Quentin says and turns off Tanner's camera for him, then he walks over to the other side of Tanner's bed.

I hug him from the side and he hugs me back.

"Do you guys really wanna know?" Tanner asks.

"Like I said, if you don't want to, that's okay." Quentin says, rubbing his back.

"Paris and I- broke up." Tanner lets out a sigh into my sweatshirt and I rub his hair.

"Oh, Tanner." I continue to pet his hair as Quentin scoots closer.

"It's okay, dude." Quentin says.

Tanner hugs me tighter and sighs again.

"Everything will be okay, I promise."

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now