Chapter 16

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"Hey, Lia?" I hear someone say as I groan and pull my bed covers over my face.

I was taking a nap and it was a really good one, until someone decided to interrupt me. I hear my window close and I feel someone else on my bed. It was still fairly bright out, so I was assuming it was maybe 5 pm.

I pull my head out of the covers and I see Tanner, "Tanner!"

"Hey hun." Tanner smiled and lay down by me.

"Why did you come through my window? You could've came through my front door." I point out.

"Well, yeah, but this is for a better video title." Tanner shrugs.

I laugh and cuddle up to Tanner, in which he wraps his arm around me. I lean up to give him a kiss on the lips and he happily agrees. I smile and I rest my head on his chest as he plays with the ends of my hair.

"I was having a good nap until you woke me up." I laugh.

"I'm sorry." Tanner smiles.

"You're lucky I love you." I smile back and look at him.

"Aww." Tanner smiles and kisses me again.

He turns off his camera and sets it on my bed stand table. (You guys don't know how bad I'm trying to not have them kissing be cringey lolz)He kisses me again, but with more passion and I go with it and continue to kiss him. I slowly go on top of him and I wrap my arms around his neck as he places his on my hips. We continue to kiss for quite a while until my mom calls out and says that dinner is ready.

We stop kissing and I groan, "Wanna stay for dinner?"

"If it's okay with your mom." Tanner shrugs.

I smile and give him one last peck in the lips. I get off of him and I grab a shirt that says "Augusta, Kansas" in white lettering. I was wearing a long sleeve that was a light blue color from softball.

"Let's go." I smile and drag Tanner out of my bed. He slowly falls on the floor and I laugh as he does too. We both walk out of my room as Quentin does too and looks at us suspiciously.

"Hey kids, Tanner." My mom smiles.

"Hey, Ms. McConnathy." Tanner smiles.

"Can Tanner stay for dinner?" I ask.

"Sure, I guess. If you like spaghetti." My mom smiles.

"Sounds great." Tanner smiles as we walk over to get bowls.

We get our food and we sit down at our dining table and we eat our spaghetti. We casually make some talk, but there's not much to talk about because we all know each other pretty well. I don't think it was an awkward silence, but it wasn't a non-awkward silence. We finished up and rinsed out bowls out and Tanner and I went back to my room. We cuddled and watched American Dad and we occasionally made out here and there.

It was now 9 pm and Tanner said he should be getting home.

"Okay, fine. Love you." I smile and kiss him.

"Love you too, Princess." He smiled and kissed me back. He went out my window, the same way he came in, and then Quentin walked in.

"Hey." Quentin smiled as I shut my window and locked it.

"Hi. What's up?" I ask.

"I'm gonna go hang out with my girlfriend and mom doesn't want me to be out this late." Quentin says quietly.

"Breanna?" I ask.

"Yeah. So, if mom asks, could you cover me?" Quentin asks.

"Well, what do you want me to say? That you went to Tanner's?" I asked.

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now