Chapter 24

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It was the end of the first day of school. Thank the lords! I got a few nasty remarks here and there, but nothing as bad as what Lexi had said this morning. I'm still hoping she didn't tell Tanner.

"You ready for cheerleading tryouts?" Makenna asks as we walk to the girls locker rooms.

"Yeah, I guess. I've been stretching all week." I sigh as we open the door to see about 20 girls in uniforms. We only have about 10 cheerleaders every year.

"Me too, my hamstrings are sore!" Makenna exclaims.

"Oh look, it's fuckboy's whore!" Lexi walks up to me.

I roll my eyes.

"Don't let her get to you." Makenna whispers.

I just sigh and walk over to a locker, dressing into my uniform. I throw my phone in too, not bothering to check it. I then do my hair in a side ponytail and put a bow in it. I got a few more remarks from Lexi in the process, but I just ignored her fake attitude.

Makenna and I walk out to the football field and we line up. All 22 girls stand in a straight line. We all do stretches to test our flexibility and then they just ask you to do some other stuff.

We finally got done with tryouts in an hour and they said they would let us know who was in or out in a week.

We all went back to locker rooms and changed back into normal clothes. I checked my phone quickly and I saw some missing messages from Quentin and one from Tanner.

Flip Daddy🤤: Can we talk after you're done with school?

I sigh and shove my phone back in my pocket and walk through the hallways. I feel my phone vibrate and I pull it back out, to see Quentin calling.

"Yes?" I ask sarcastically.

"Where have you been?" He asks.

"Cheer tryouts." I roll my eyes.

"Do you need me to pick you up?" Quentin asks me.

"Sure, whatever." I sigh and grab a stick of gum from my pocket.

"What's wrong?" Quentin asks politely.

"I'll tell you later." I say and I unwrap the gum and put the stick in my mouth.

"Okay. See ya." Quentin hangs up as I walk outside and sit on the bench.

I wait about 10 minutes and Quentin finally shows up, "Took you long enough."

"Quiet!" Quentin laughs as I close the car door and Quentin drives, not waiting for me to get my seatbelt on, "Anyways, why were you upset?"

"Okay, so there's this girl, Lexi, and she tends to bully me. It hasn't really been bad last year, but now that I'm dating Tanner it's bad, really bad," I sigh, trying not to let any tears slip, "A-And she knew about me kissing Dylan and she threatened to tell Tanner. I think she did because now he wants to talk to me."

"Oh, Lia, don't worry about her! She probably didn't tell him. Everything will be fine." Quentin assures me.

"I don't think so... I'm just really nervous." I sigh.

"It's okay, Tanner will understand." Quentin smiles.

"I hope so." I say and stare out the window.

And before you know it, we're in front of Tanner's house. Quentin and I enter the door and I slowly walk downstairs as Quentin disappears off somewhere. I get to Tanner's door and I slowly open it and I see Tanner mixed with emotions.

"H-Hi..." I stutter.

"Why?" Tanner asks, looking down.

"Why what?" I ask, clearly playing dumb.

"Why would you kiss Dylan?" Tanner hisses.

"Tanner, it didn't mean anything!" I exclaim as a tear falls down my face.

"Just because it didn't mean anything doesn't mean it doesn't affect me." Tanner says harshly.

"Tanner-" I start.

"No, I don't want to hear it." Tanner sighs.

"Bu-" I start again.

"I would go now." Tanner says coldly.

I nod my head as I walk out and run upstairs to find Quentin. I quickly hug him and sob into his chest.

"Oh- Lia! Are you okay?" Quentin asks me and hugs me back.

"N-No." I sniffle.

"Let's go back home." Quentin suggests as I nod my head and we make it back to our house.

I go inside and I run into my room, covering myself with my blankets. Damn these teenage hormones.

I hear my phone ring but I just ignore it. I can't take any more crap from today, I just can't.

"Lia..." Quentin walks in.

"What do you want?" I ask as a few more tears slip down.

"How are you?" Quentin ask.

"Worthless." I frown.

"Mom said if you feel really sad you should take one of your antidepressants..." Quentin says.

"I haven't taken those in about 10 months." I furrow my eyebrows.

"Yeah, but if they make you feel better..." Quentin smiles weakly.

I sigh, "Whatever."

"I just don't want anything to go bad. I don't want anything to get worse than it was." Quentin says exiting the room to get me a pill and water.

I nod, remembering what happened. It wasn't pretty, but I eventually got rid of my depression.

I sit up in my bed as I wait for Quentin to come back. I didn't want to think about Tanner right now because I wanted to be happy, but over these last few months, I've been so happy with him.

"Hers your water and pill." Quentin comes in the room and smiles.

"Thanks, Q." I smile as he hands them over and I quickly take the pill and down some water.

"No problem. If you need me, just text me or something." Quentin says and starts to leave.

"Ok." I barely mumble and sigh, putting the glass down and I try my best not to cry again.

I sink down in my sheets again and I start to remember all of the good memories with Tanner and not even a quarter way through, my eyes are drowned with tears.

"Why was I so stupid?" I say quietly between sobs.

I sigh again as more tears pour out and I fall asleep, not caring that it was only 6 and I wasn't even hungry. I had lost my appetite.

A/n: sorry this is on the sad side... oops 🤷‍♀️ sooo will Tanner and Lia get back togetherrrr? The world may never know 😂 just kidding, you'll know 😂

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now