952 9 2


Okay, I'll stop with the all caps lol.

So, I just wanted to thank you guys so much for 1K reads... I never thought I could reach this goal, but here I am! I love you guys so much, even if I don't get as many votes as I would like. Votes are important, it's just, I feel like reads are something more important, I guesss lol idk.

But, 1k is just a small step. I hope someday we can reach, like, something outrageous like 18k! I have big dreams! 😂 it's just so amazing to reach this amount of reads. I've had this account for so long, publishing stories, then in publishing them later cuz I'm too lazy to continue with them. I had my first story published when I was in 5th or 6th grade I think. And yalls are adding it up, and yes, I am a 9th grader 😂 and yes, I put swear words in here. I honestly don't care at this point😂

I've never thought I would reach 1k... the most reads on a story(previous to this) was only 300 reads, and when it got to that, I was freaking out. And now almost everyday I'm freaking out because we gain about 20-50 reads a day! It makes me happy knowing that I'm growing somewhat quickly and that I still see "please update" because I know so many people find it annoying, but i think the opposite. I see it as you guys want to see more! And I absolutely love it!

And if you guys ever want to message me or anything, feel free! I love talking to you guys and all of that stuff.

I just see myself as a writer right now, and being successful in this! I've never gotten so far in my writing since I started this fanfic. And I know I'm kinda overreacting because HEY it's a fanfic about Tanner Braungardt, calm the freak down! Well, no! It's still a story and it's still at 1K reads! It makes me sooooo happpppppyyyyy!❤️

I just want you guys to know that I love you and I'm so glad that you're enjoying this book so much! I have no clue when I'm making a second book, but it won't be for a while.

Also, if you guys have any feedback on my story, you can either comment or message me about it. I'm okay with suggestions! And if you guys don't like parts of the story, I can make it better if you need.

Sorry that this is like a freaking chapter long, but hitting 1K is a huge milestone for me! I'm so happy to see this book progressing! And I've noticed we're close to hitting 150 reads on the first chapter❤️ thank you guys so much!

And I know I've already said this, like, a billion times, buuuuut:


Peace out, my brothas and sistas! 😂

*whispers quietly* thank you, again....

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now