Chapter 22

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(Real quick, THANKS FOR 900 READSSS! AHH MAH HEART ❤️❤️❤️)

"We should do a challenge." I say, scrolling through Twitter.

"What kind of challenge?" Tanner asks.

"Um, I don't know." I shrug.

"Ooh! How about a try not to laugh challenge? You know, like those really cute couples do?" Tanner asks, bolting up from the beanbag that we were on.

"Oh! The ones with water in their mouths?" I ask, also bolting up.

"Yeah!" Tanner exclaims and jumps around.

"Let's go!" I exclaim as well and drag him out the door.

We grab cups and fill them with water. We have Quentin set it up since he was there too, he was just on Netflix.

Tanner and I explain what we're doing to the camera while Quentin picks out about 10 clips from Tanner's phone. Some of them were never seen before off of his camera roll and some were off YouTube.

"You ready to start?" Quentin asks.

"Yep." I nod and drink some water, keeping it in my mouth, as Tanner does too.

I already start to chuckle, without any water spilling out, as I just look at Tanner.

"Okay, here's one I'm not proud of..." Quentin sighs.

He plays the video and it's Quentin grinding on a floor. I instantly spit out my water on Tanner and Tanner spits his away from me so he doesn't get me wet, cuz he's a nice boyfriend, as I die laughing and Quentin turns as red as a tomato.

I try to calm down from laughing but it's no use.

"Do you need some help?" Tanner asks laughing.

"It's hard to recover from that." I say between laughs.

"Fine, I'm getting you back." Quentin says, pulling out his phone.

"Quentin!" I yell.

"Nope, do the challenge." Quentin smiles evilly.

I roll my eyes and drink the water, Tanner does the same. Quentin plays the video off his phone and it's of me twerking and my friend pushes me at the end and my friend and I die laughing at the end. Remind me to kill my friend, Claire, for sending that to Quentin.

Tanner dies laughing and spits the water all over me and I spit out my water from the water that Tanner spit at me.

"Tanner!" I shriek as Tanner dies laughing and I turn really red.

"Sorry, this is funny." Tanner says in between laughs.

"I hate you Quentin." I frown.


We finally get done with the challenge and Tanner won by 1 point. The end score was 6-7.

"Well, what should we do now?" I ask.

"I don't know." Tanner shrugs.

"I have to go home cuz I'm meeting Bri." Quentin says and I nod and hug him goodbye as he leaves.

Tanner instantly starts to kiss me as Quentin exits the room. I started to kiss his neck after as he placed his hands on my waist. One thing led to another and I think you know what happened next... 😏😉😂

Ahhh sorry this is so shortttt. They'll get better lol. I'm just kinda writing a bit slower 😂 I get side tracked by Snapchat... oops 🤷‍♀️ anyways, hope u enjoyed this chapter that was semi sucky 😂🤷‍♀️.

Quentin's Little Sister // Tanner BraungardtWhere stories live. Discover now