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Sawada Nana has gave birth on the two twin baby. Beside her is Sawada Iemitsu her husband. Both of the Sawada's are happy when the doctor gave the elder son. Nana and Iemitsu name him Ieyoshi, Sawada Ieyoshi. His pretty active seens his the only child that bring happiness to the two couples because he was crying out loud.

The second twin was still on the doctors hands, its like those two forget that Ieyoshi has a twin. The younger son is not moving or crying at all, his like dead but his alive.

"Ahm...Sorry Sawada's but I think you forgot the second one" The doctor said as he handed the younger one to nana hands. "Ah... Cute" Nana said. He name him Tsunayoshi, Sawada Tsunayoshi.


Both the Sawada knows that they work in Mafia a long time ago, Nana decided to get out of the Mafia world but Iemitsu is still the CEDEF of Vongola Familgia at that time. And Nana know that.


"Iey-kun, Tsu-kun dinner is ready" Nana said while preparing the table. "Hai!" The 3 years old boys said. Ieyoshi is the boy who is so active, helping his mother on doing some work in the house, and athletic too. While Tsuna who loves reading books and always the silent type. He is so very very shy thats why he only go out if Iey and Nana will going to call him, If none he will just be in his room reading books.

In the dinning table Tsuna was just silent eating while he saw that Nana and Ieyoshi are smiling to each other and talking to each other. Its like he was just a ghost that were alive, but even that is the situation he loves his family so much.

After dinner he went to his room and lay to at the bed. As he was to fall asleep the door of his room open to find that 'that' was his Iey-nii.

"Iey-nii?" He said while half asleep.
"Tsu-kun? Can I sleep with my cute little brother?" Iey said.

Tsuna nodded as a yes. The. Iey climb to the bed of Tsuna and he start to hug his little brother. "Hey Tsu-kun? Can we play tomorrow at the park?" Iey ask his little brother but it didn't reply then he notice that his little brother already fell asleep. "aw...My little brother is so cute... His like an angel." Ieys thought and giggle a little bit. He hug his little brother and say "Good night Tsu-kun" as he kiss his forehead and went to sleep.

Morning comes and Iey found himself hugging his own cute little brother. "ah...why does Tsu-kun is cute..." He thought and smile. After that he notice that Tsuna is already waking up.

"Ohayo guzaimus Iey-niisan" Tsuna said with a smile. His smile made Iey smile big because he saw his little brother angelic smile. "Ohayo Guzaimaz Tsu-kun" Iey reply.

"Tsu-kun, Iey-Kun, breakfast is ready." Nana said while she was down stair.

"Hai," They both said and went down stair. Breakfast went normal for them. As the two was done "Mama, can me and Tsu-kun play on the park? I want too play with Tsu-kun..." Iey said with his caramel puppy eyes.

How can a mom resist his favorite son's request? Of course she said yes. Happily playing in the park, Tsuna amd Ieyoshi was chasing around and around. They play happily.

"Iey-kun, Tsu-kun come here" Nana called, both of them run happily toward nana and they saw a man beside Nana, there smile had become wide. "PAPA!" They  both said while going to there papa.

Iemitsu carry his favorite son Ieyoshi and Tsuna was just looking at his papa happily. "Hello my Angel, did you miss me?" Iemitsu ask Iey.

"Hmp, papa. Me and Tsu-kun miss you. nah? Tsu-kun...." Iey said with a smile.

"Hn" Tsuna said with a big smile on his face. Iemitsu ignore his younger son and look back to nana.

"Honey should we go home?" Iemitsu ask nana.

"Yeah, its getting dark already." Nana said.

"Hhheeeee, No." Iey said as he jump down on the ground and hold Tsuna.

"No, I want to play with Tsu-kun...Pls... Just 5more minutes..." He said with his special caramel puppy eyes technique.

Nana and Iemitsu can't resist that look so they gave him a time to play with his brother. The two brothers keep playing until Tsuna saw an orange cat and its mysterious that the cat head has a flame on it, a flame burning in the cat heads.

He follow it and Iey realize that his Tsu-kun is nowhere to be seens, he look around and saw Tsuna who is walking in the middle of the road.

Tsuna follow the cat, as he blink the cat disappeared but as he look around a truck suddently hit him. "TSU-KUN!!!" Iey said as he push his brother and the truck hit Iey.

Tsuna went unconscious Iey is swimming at his own blood. Both Nana and Iemitsu  were caring and crying for their favorite son but for tsuna they didn't care at all.

As they were on the hospital, the doctor said Iey is find son thus Tsuna too but they don't care about Tsuna at all, they care about Iey.

A day on Tsuna wake realizing that he was on an white empty room with no one is around except him. He suddently sat up in the bed and a memories start going to him, he started to cry.

"Iey-niisan, Mama, papa Where are you?" He look around but no one is around. The doctor went inside to look at Tsuna but what he saw that Tsuna is crying hugging his knees.

The doctor said that he will go away to leave the son and father. But that was a mistake.

"You! Your a stupidest child I ever had, I regret on having you. Your not my child anymore you stupid fucking bastard." Slap. Tsuna got a very big slap from his father, he just cry and cry and saying "I'm sorry."

"What your stupid sorry can do you 'good for nothing child' because of you our own son is now unconscious and badly hurt!!!"  Iemitsu say and gave tsuna another slap.

Tsuna just cry and cry with the pain both emotion and physical pain. He didn't want that any of this was going to happen, he didn't want any of this....

He cry and cry until his throat is numb and hurt. From that day he decided to be mute and didn't want to talk unless he need to be.


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