Ch-1 First Generation

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Third Person Pov.

-Tsuna wake up early in the morning, he is now 5 years old and ready to go to school with his mom and brother. His mother enroll his son in a kinder garden Namimori school. His brother doesn't remember him at all due to the accident and what his parents said to his Iey-nii.

"He just a mistake" That is what Nana, and Iemitsu say to their favorite son about Tsuna. From that day he decided to be mute and become souless and act that he such a Dame.

When Ieyoshi and his friend saw dame-tsuna who is alone sitting behind the tree in the park they went to him and start to do something to him, like punching, and kicking. He stand up and push his brother to make him stop, Nana and Iemitsu saw that and they gave Tsuna a "You-will-be-dead-later" Look. After when Ieyoshi was already asleep the two parents went to Tsuna's room to make him suffer hell. Whipping, deep cuts, bruises, that was receive by Tsuna from his parents. His bleeding badly and suffering in pain, but never care less. He can't shout seens he decided to become silent but deep inside of his head he was screaming in pain.

They leave Tsuna laying half conscious on the floor swimming on his own blood. They both smirk and shut the door, they were happy seeing their own son suffer like that. "He was useless after all." That was those parents thought about Tsuna. Soon Tsuna felt unconscious laying on the cold floor. Beside what can he do? Absolutely NOTHING! anyway.

********MEAN WHILE****

The first generation's soul usually hang out and spend time on the Vongola Famiglia Mansion in italy but Primo decided to visit the house of soon to be 10th vongola boss. He wants to know a little thing about the family.

"Primo? Why are we here again to the EXTREME?" Knuckle the first sun guardian of Vongola Famiglia said. "My Intuition tells me that we need to be here" Giotto reply, Giotto knows as Vongola Primo the first boss of Vongola Famiglia. "Tsk, then why do this melon head come along too?" G said, the first storm guardian. "Look who's talking octopus head" Deamon said, the first Mist guardian. Both of them are piss each other, "Herbivores, i'll bite both of to death" Alaude said, the first cloud guardian. The three was about to attack on each other but was stop by a certain voice " you guys calm down." Asari said the first rain guardian. "You guys are too loud." Lampo said the first Lighting guardian. "What you say Broccoli head?" G yelled.

"Were here." Giotto said as all of them are standing in front of the house of Iemitsu. Then the door suddently open and they saw a happy Mother (a.k.a Nana) holding a 5 years old child with blond spiky hair and with brown eyes (A.k.a. Ieyoshi) smiling back. "What a happy family..." Say asari while smiling.

They saw that Iemitsu kiss the cheek of nana and the forehead of his son. Then the three went out of the house happily. "Primo, no Gitto. A happy family like that will sure be a great 10th boss for Vongola" G said. 'Hn" is the only thing came from Alaude. "But my Intuition said that they aren't look innocent at all." As giotto said while looking up to the house.

"Let's go in. I felt that someone is in the house." Giotto said as he went inside of the house. They were surprise that the house was clean and good, they check every room to find it normal. But the last one small room, look like a storage to them there hands were start shaking as if they will regret if they will go inside.

"Yare, yare, what with this creepy room?" Lampo said as he was standing infront of the door.

"I th-think we shouldn't go there. Its making me nervous." G said.

"Hoya, thats odd for a red octopus to be scared" Daemon said.

"Shut up you Melon head, or I'll bite you to death" Alaude said.

"No need,cause I'm going to bite you to death first." Daemon said as he and Alaude were fighting.

"Ma..Ma.. Pls calm down you two." Asari said.

"To the EXTREME!, that door is creepy." Knuckle said.

"Then I'll go first." Giotto said as he went step inside the room after the rest follow. The moment he saw the room was a completely a mess, he saw a trail of blood on the floor leading to a 5 years old boy who exactly look like the boy they saw with a mother and a father leaving the house. A gravity defying hair boy was cover with bruises, some wounds and deep cuts. Giotto and the others was shock, immediately Giotto approach the boy and try to wake him up.

The rest was more shock because they have two question in their mind right now.

1. What happen here?

2. Did the Giotto/Primo ghost just touch something, not just something but it is somone.?

"Kid wake up" As Giotto try to wake up the kid. Tsuna open his eyes but it wasn't fully open it was just half of it, "Da-dare?"(Dare= Who)  Tsuna manage to say before falling back to sleep. Giotto try to wake the kid up but failed again. Now they have another question.

3.Did that kid heard Giotto? or even See him?

Giotto carry the kid to the bed, and gently positioning the kid. "Knuckle, can you heal him with your Sun flames?" Giotto ask.

"Not really to the EXTREME, but I'll try Primo" Knuckle said as he start to heal Tsuna with sun flames but he only manage to cover some minor wounds, bruises, and cuts. The major one are still visible.

Giotto and the others look at the kid, and start to think what the hell happen to him.

Thanks For reading
Hope you like it 😃

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