Chapter 26

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3rd Person Pov.

When Tsuna was out of the hospital he went to so called home, he but then as he went to his room he saw a smirking Infant was on his bed chilling.

He close his door and sighed, he got his note pad and start writing.
[What are you doing here Reborn-san] Tsuna show his note pad.

"Tell me where have you been for past this days?" Reborn said while holding a leon gun pointing as Tsuna. Tsuna's face has suddently a scared expression.

[Relax, can you atleast put that Gun down. I was with Kyoya, the time of two days were I felt unconscious when he walk me home due to my weak body and stamina. He always drag me to his apartment. For the past 4 days I was on the hospital because I save Yamamoto-kun in a certain danger] Tsuna show his note pad.

"Hmp... A the perfect demon of Namimori high is your close  friend." Reborn said.

[How'd you know that?] Tsuna show the notepad.

"Well, you call him Kyoya, where all of the student call himHibari-sempai" reborn said.

[Well, I try to call him that but he will bite me to death if I will call him. Hibari-sempai, Kyoya-Sempai, Kyoya-san, or Hibari-san. He said that I could call him Kyoya....] Tsuna show his note pad.

"Interesting, what the heck you do?" Reborn question him again.

[ I eat my lunch in the rooftop to have peace. The a bullies came to bully me but save by Kyoya. I offer my lunch as a thank you for that day then after that we became friends] Tsuna show the note.

"You are something Tsuna, Another question. How did you manage to catch that Chalk that was thrown to you? And how did you manage to sense me when the first time I'm here?" Reborn ask.

[I don't know. I just can feel it immediately. Why something wrong?] Tsuna show the note and act like he didn't know the information about his Intuition.

"Nothing, thanks for the Information" Reborn said as he leave the room.

"Baka-Mitsu, I will definitely shoot a bullet on your head for giving me a wrong information about your family. Maman doesn't care about Tsuna nor baka-iey either. And I thought you Baka-Mitsu don't even care. Your family is broken you baka-mitsu. Tsuna is a perfect boss he has the Intuition while Baka-Iey doesn't have any. I wonder if Tsuna had sky flames?" Reborn though as he went out and decided to talk to the certain skylark.

Nana was frustrated when she got home, her coupon was missing then he lost some of her money and he felt angry for some reason. One stress reliever can solve that.

She then walk inside the house straight to Tsuna's room. Tsuna was shock because his door suddently SLAM!! open. He saw that Nana was in frustration and stress so he clearly knows what will happen.

The ghost aren't there cause they were off somewhere, Ieyoshi was at practicing for there game so he and Nana was the only ones who's in the house.

Nana start to grab Tsuna on his thick gravity defying hair and slam him in the wall, then she kick his own son and start to create new deep cuts, bruises, and wounds on Tsuna's body.

Tsuna mentally Scream in pain, as it was physically painful. But he has no voice to scream, he even didn't make a single sound but his tear flows along with his blood.

After a few hours of pain reliever, Nana went out in his son room and clean her self, while Tsuna who couldn't stand up on his own feet was laying on the floor. He couldn't move his body nor feel it, his room is a complete mess and blood all over he wants to move but failed, instead his eyes slowly close as he let darkness take him.

After hour has past, Tsuna woke up feeling heavy, he couldn't move his body or feel it. He try to sat up but he felt numb and pain all over his body.

"Tsuna?" Giotto said in worried as he saw Tsuna was a completely mess up.
Tsuna find his notepad but G handed it to him.

[Thank you G-nii. Giotto-Nii what happen?] Tsuna ask Giotto.

"We don't know Tsuna, we just found you laying in the floor with bloody Injured." Giotto said worriedly and start to hug Tsuna. "Glad your ok." Giotto said while he let go of Tsuna.

"But not EXTREMELY ok, seens I just manage to heal your minor Injuries." Knuckle said.

[Thank you very much Knuckle-Nii] Tsuna show his note pad and with a smile.

"You EXTREMELY welcome Tsuna" Knuckle return the smile.

"Nufufufu~ I guest that Bitch was the one who did this to you Tsuna?" Deamon said.

"Hn, watch your language Melonhead-Herbivore" Alaude said.

"What you say you 'hn' guy!? Deamon said, then the two start to fight.

"Well both of calm down" As asari was trying to calm the two down.

"Yare, yare you two are so noisy..." Lampo said lazily.

"Shut up you lazy seaweed Ass!!" G said.

"Looks like the melon is not the only one who will watch there language." Lampo said as he lay on the floor and try to sleep,

"What you say you seaweed!!?" G said as those two start to fight, Knuckle try to calm both of them down.

Tsuna smile to see this scenery, it looks like they are having  so much fun.

[They are having Fun] Tsuna show his note to Giotto who is sitting beside him.

"Yes they are. Even sometimes they were pain in the ass..." Giotto said.

[How come Giotto-nii] Tsun show the note again.

"Well, when I we were alive we live at the mansion. And my fellow guardian very destructive and powerful guardian always gave me a hell mountains of paperworks thanks for being very destructive" Giotto smile as he remember those time.

[You guys looks like enjoying and very happy at that time. No wonder why until know your still complete] Tsuna show his note with a smile.

"Yes, I guest I could say are bond is Stronger." Giotto said with a smile. Tsuna just nodded, as he saw his room was a completely a mess he start cleaning the ghost insist he'll do that with his weak and full injured body so they help Tsuna clean his room.

After that Tsuna take a bath, he bare with his injuries cause its painful sting him. After that he then went down and made 4 bentos his happy on making them.

He walk slowly early as usual to the school, as he reach his seat the usual he rest and fell for a sleep.


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Hope you like it 🙂😄🙂

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