Chapter 38

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3rd Person's Pov.

Ieyoshi woke up feeling that his cuddling someone, he slowly open his eyes and found out his cuddling his own brother. He suddently sat up shocking. Then he remember what happen last night, last night he remember how he forgot Tsuna was his brother.

He look at Tsuna "I never thought that Tsuna was still cute after those years." Ieyoshi giggle a little bit. Then he was going to sleep again and cuddle Tsuna again but Reborn stop him by hitting him with the mallet.

"Baka-Iey, don't disturb your brother is his sleeping." Reborn said.
"Ow.. That's hurt. I'm not going too, I was going back to sleep." Ieyoshi said.
"Then you realize what time it is?" Reborn said, Ieyoshi look at the clock beside his table and its read 7:56 am already, class start at 8:30.
"Shit! I'm going to be bitten to death!" As Ieyoshi hurry and run to the bathroom but he went back to his room again, "Reborn can you wake Tsuna up, and Don't you dare hit him with that Giant mallet." Ieyoshi then run to the bathroom.

"Tsk, his no one tells me what to do." Reborn said as he was going to wake up Tsuna. He wake Tsuna gently, Tsuna open his eyes slowly and sat up. He yawned a little bit but he was about to speak but his eye glance the time in the table. He hurry up and went to his room he was followed by reborn cause reborn was shock how Tsuna is so fast, fast than lighting.

Tsuna then prepared his uniform and he glance at reborn who is on the bed.

Tsuna:[ Thanks for waking me up Reborn-san.] Tsuna wrote and bow to reborn and gave him a smile, then Tsuna went down to prepared Break fast seens Nana wasn't there.

Nana and Iemitsu wants a time together, like a date or so.. So they decided to left for two days. After that Tsuna went to the bathroom and take a bath and eat breakfast.

When Bianchi, Lambo, Fuuta, and I-pin first take a bite of Tsuna's breakfast they froze. Making Tsuna worried, but after a second lambo said "THIS IS THE BEST FOOD EVER!!!" Lambo said cheerfully.

"Yeah, Tsuna-nii is the best." Fuuta said.
"This food surely more delicious than any food in the world." I-pin said.
"Yeah, its more amazing than some fancy restaurant." Buanchi said. Tsuna smile he was glad that they all like it.
As reborn sipping his expresso he look at Ieyoshi who have a sad smile on his face.

"Hoy, Baka-Iey. Why do you have a Sad smile in your face?" Reborn said.
"It just that..." Ieyoshi was going to cry but the bell ring and Tsuna knows who is it so he eat his breakfast faster same at Ieyoshi.

Tsuna:[Bianchi-neesan, can I ask a favor. Can you wash the dishes after this...Pls..] Tsuna wrote with a smile.

"Sure, Thanks for the breakfast Tsuna." Bianchi return the smile. Tsuna and Ieyoshi rush to the door and Tsuna was right that it was his rain and storm guardian. Hayato was going to greet him but Tsuna held the hands of Hayato and Takeshi and they both run to the school knowing there somebody's waiting there bitting student to death.

"Its really an honor to be hold by Juudaime like this." Hayato while he was smiling.

Ieyoshi follow behind running. When they got to school they were relief that they made in time. They went to there sit and start to listen to the teacher's lesson.

After an hour, the class has one period that there teacher did not showed up Tsuna take that chance to go to the bathroom. After that he was walking on the hallway when his eyes notice that Kyoko, or Sasagawa Kyoko was carried by a man bridal style, Kyoko was unconscious. Haru was also unconscious and was about to carry by the guy but Tsuna jump from the window and run towards there.

He fights those guys and manage to get the unconscious Haru but Kyoko was been taken. He was about to chase but Haru is still unconscious so he carry Haru to the School Clinic.

After he went there he immediately leave haru to the nurse and went to disciplinary office where he found Kyoya who is looking some paper works. "Kyoya sorry to bother you, but can I look the CCTV cameras that was patrolling our school?" Tsuna ask.

"Hn,omnivore. Something happen?" Kyoya said.
Tsuna nodded and Kyoya let out his lop top on his desk and open it, he plug his USB 26 its his USB for Cloud26 as hacker. He start to hack all the CCTV cameras in the school.

Tsuna just stand at the back of Kyoya gazing at Kyoya's work.
"Wow, His a good Hacker. No wonder he can help me some things. Amazing Cloud26" Tsuna thought.

As Kyoya was hacking the Video, they both found something. A intruder went to the school. One guy wear a same uniform as them and target the most famous girl in the Namimori High, its Sasagawa Kyoko.

They both saw how Kyoko was drag away and Haru helping her friend but he became unconscious. But Kyoya was shock when he saw Tsuna was fighting, he glared at Tsuna.

Tsuna seems to notice that. "Omnivore, You just been release from the hospital this couple of days and yet your doing something again to bring you back there." Kyoya said with cold voice.

"Hehehe... I'm kinda trouble kid Right? Any who can you look what is the Plate number of the car?" Tsuna said avoiding what Kyoya was trying to say.

Kyoya just sigh, Knowing Tsuna he such a stubborn kid, a kid will do anything to help anyone. Kyoya then do what Tsuna said, after that they know the plate number Tsuna was going out the window to jump and chase the car and follow his Intuition but sad to say Kyoya also follow him.

"Kyoya? Your going with me?" Tsuna ask.
"Tsk, I can't let you have the fun to your self. Don't be selfish Omnivore" Kyoya said as both of them jumping from roof to roof.
Sasagawa Ryohei was practicing in the gym, his the president of boxing club in Namimori high and his quite an opponent. He is popular due to he always win every boxing contest in namimori high. He was practicing when he heard that Haru was in the school clinic. He went there and saw Haru was crying.

"Haru-chan, Why are you crying to the EXTREME? " Ryohei ask.
"Kyo-Kyoko got kidnap." Haru said.
"WHAT!?" Ryohei was shock and sametime angry, no one dares to touch his beloved sister.
"By Who?" he ask again.
"I don't know, I'm sorry Ryohei-nii.. I'm sorry..." Haru said while crying. Ryohei just hug Haru to comfort her.
"Shh.. Its not your fault. Don't blame your self. Don't worry I'll find my sister no matter what." Ryohei said.

He then went to the crime scene where Haru pointed him to, then he saw that that Tsuna and Kyoya was jumping from roof to roof. He blink once then twice on what he saw. He was not shock if Kyoya was the one who was jumping but the Dame-Tsuna was jumping.

The infamous Dame-Tsuna was jumping on the rooftop, he shrug that information and follow the two seens it might have a connection to his lost sister.


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Hope you like it 😄😄😄

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