Chapter 21

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3rd Person Pov.

As Hayato, Kyoya, and Tsuna was walking peacefully, they saw a small dynamite was thrown infront of them then it explode as thick smoke was cover the three.

"Tsuna-sama!?" Hayato yelled for tsuna's name. Tsuna tap the shoulder of Hayato. Hayato sigh and relief and he was standing in front of Tsuna ready to protect him. Kyoya was on the side of Tsuna who ready his tonfas.

Tsuna is full alert he knows that this attack is meant for him thanks to his Intuition. After a minute, The smoke clear and one man attack Tsuna in the back but was stop by Kyoya's tonfas.

"Thanks Kyoya." Tsuna said.
"Hn." Kyoya said.
"Who the hell is this Bastard!?" Hayato ask.
"tsk, I though Tsunayoshi can't speak.?" One guys said.
"Who are you?" Tsuna ask.
"Well, were from Estrano Famiglia. Were here to capture are perfect experiment" One of the guy said.

Hearing the word Estrano Famiglia, Memories of suffer and pain went to Tsuna, the time were he met some good friends there who help him escape he felt angry, sad and scared.

His angry because 2 of his friends died in that particular Famiglia, his sad because he miss his other two friends wondering if they are alive or dead, and he felt scared cause he doesn't want that Hayato and Kyoya will experience what he experience in that particular famiglia.

A bullet was shot directly point at him but thanks to his good Intuition he catch it with his two finger.

"Wow, that's amazing Tsuna-sama" Hayato said while still impress.
"Hn, that's something Omnivore." Kyoya said.

Tsuna suddently went to HDWM (Hyper Dying Will Mode), his sunset orange eyes, the fire in his head and cast a certain simple flames.

"Hayato, Kyoya, as I gave a signal you two will run away from here ok. Don't worry I'll come with you." Tsuna said.

"Hn" Kyoya said
"Hai, Tsuna-Sama"Hayato said. Hayato was amazed how Tsuna's sky flames were pure and great. Its symbolize a perfect sky and a its pure as it is.

As Kyoya and Hayato were fighting, Tsuna gave the signal and they disappeared. The enemies wonder where they are, they look around and found nothing.

"Hey, they escape. Find them." One of the guy said as they all search for the place. The truth is Tsuna and his friends are just there, he just cast a simple mist illusion with his mist flames so that they could hide.

Tsuna turn of his HDWM and fall but Hayato catch him. "Tsuna-sama?" Hayato said worried. "I'm fine Hayato, thanks," Tsuna said with a faint smile, he could feel his body is weak and he will be unconscious any second now.

"Hayato-herbivore, lets bring him in my house. He will be safe there than to stay on his own." Kyoya said coldy. Hayato nodded and they take the unconscious Tsuna to the apartment of Kyoya.

"How well do you know Tsuna-sama?" Hayato ask Kyoya.

Hayato was sitting on the edge of the bed while Kyoya was leaning to the wall looking out the window. "Not very long" Kyoya answered.

"That flames of him, his sky flames are pure. And also he has mist flames. Do you know about that?" Hayato ask.

"Hn, if ever can you keep at secret. Its dangerous if someone might found out about his flames." Kyoya said.

"Yes, I'll keep it a secret. But if he is the brother of that stupid bastard, would he be applicable as a candidate in becoming the next boss of Vongola Famiglia?" Hayato ask him self thinking but enough to hear Kyoya.

"Its up to Tsuna if he wants to be involve in that particular Organization." Kyoya said as he was living the room, "Feel free to stay Hayato-Herbivore."  kyoya said as he close the door slowly.

Hayato stay in the room, his still thinking about what happen earlier his confuse and at the same time angry about those guys, "Estrano Famiglia? If I'm correct they are the Famiglia who capture children for there experiment, and If I'm not mistaken there base was destroy. Could be there base was revive and Tsuna-sama was one of the child they have experimented? Tsk, this sucks! What ever happens I'll protect Tsuna-sama. " Hayato thought as he cross his arm in the edge of the bed and start to drift off to sleep.
Early in the morning, Tsuna wake up feeling a little bit of Nausea, he open his eyes slowly and completely blurry. He sat up from the bed and look around, his in Kyoya's room for sure.

But then he saw that Hayato was sleeping in the edge of the bed, "What happen-" His thought was cut when he remember what happen last night. "AAhhh!!" He shouted but cover his mouth when he realize that Hayato was still sleeping.

But it was too late, Hayato already wake up. He stand up and bow to Tsuna. "Good Morning Tsuna-sama" Hayato bow and smile to Tsuna.

"Hayato-kun, can you not bow to me. You don't be so formal. Beside I'm literary fine. And good Morning too." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Tsuna-sama, if you don't mind. May ask you a question?" Hayato said.

"Sure go a head." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Can you tell me why are you involve in Estrano Famiglia?, its ok if you don't like too talk about it." Hayato insisted.

Tsuna Intuition say its ok to tell Hayato seens he can trust him. Tsuna sigh and start talking.

"Can you by any chance get my note pad. Its really hard to speak when your throat is hurt." Tsuna said while smiling. Hayato nodded and got his note pad, Tsuna start writing.

[When I was 7 my father sold me to Estrano Mafia Famiglia. A mafia group where they kidnap children for an experiments. In that I spend two years inside a cell being experimented with some other children. But some didn't make it and some are successful. Those guys inject a thousand of different liquid to us, to make us the successful experiment.] He show his first was written in the note pad.

Hayato clench his hands tight and was angry and felt sad knowing his Tsuna-sama suffer this much. Kyoya suddently went inside the room to check on Tsuna but he saw that Tsuna was writing something while Hayato was staring at Tsuna.

[ Those experiment was painful, but I met 4 friends there. They help me in that particular place of hell they are the one why I smile and gave me hope while I was staying there. But one day the two of my Friends were experimented again and they reach there limits so they died. The other two and me were angry that's why we destroy there place and escape. But I don't know if they survive. I didn't see them seens I return to namimori.]

Hayato and Kyoya read it and they felt the same, they release an amount of Killer intent ready to kill those Estrano Famiglia bastard.

"You two calm down, Your killer intent won't help." Tsuna said as he try to make those two calm.

"How about I prepare breakfast while you two calm down ok?" Tsuna said with a smile. As the two look at Tsuna's smile there heart melt and they felt in peace and calm.

"His my a perfect sky." Hayato thought as he smile to Tsuna. " Even your not a boss, I'll protect you no matter what Tsuna-sama." Hayato bow a perfect 90 degree.

"Do-Don't-don't do that  Hayato-san. You don't need to." Tsuna said.

"Hn, I insist. Tsuna. Were always on your side." Kyoya said.

"No, don't. When your always in my side then I'll cause you guys trouble. And I don't want that your going to be hurt because of me" Tsuna said while looking down.

Then someone tap the shoulder of Tsuna "Don't worry Tsuna-sama. No matter what happens, I'll stay on your side even it will cause us trouble we will be on your side." Hayato said with a smile.
"Hn, I agree with Hayato-herbivore." Kyoya said.

Then tears of joy came from Tsuna's eyes. Finally he found some friends that care for him, he only dream about this in his past years but never did imagine this kind of situation.

"Tsuna-sama. what's wrong? Did we say something?" Hayato said in panic and worried about Tsuna.

"No *sob* its just*sob* thank you very much Hayato-san, Kyoya." Tsuna bow with perfect 90 degree and smile to them.


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Hope you like it 😄😄

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