Ch-2 Meet the ghost

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"Primo? What happen to him?" G said with a worried face.

"Sah... If you ask me." Giotto said.

"Maybe someone bite him to death" Alaude said while leaning on the wall.

"Yare, yare. We saw a happy family together just earlier. We didn't expect to see this." Lampo said.

"Nufufufu~ I wonder if they know about this?" Daemon said.

Then someone tap the shoulder of Giotto as he look at who is it, its Asari.

"Giotto? Remember we are ghost right?" Asari said, its usually he said Primo but seens he is serious he call 'Giotto'.

Giotto nodded as a yes. " Then let me tell you something, we ghost can't touch anything or something right?" Asari said.

Slap! Asari receive a slap in the head from a G.

"What's your point idiot!" G said.

"Relax G, my point is why did Giotto the ghost touches someone like that Kid" Pointing to the kid.

Everybody's jaw drop. They also wondering why? Even Giotto himself.

"My Intuition said that there is something else within this kid." Giotto said as he look at the kid again.

Giotto touches his gravity defying brown hair and mess with it gently. He can feel the boy's head was so thick and it feels good on his finger. Giotto smile. Then everyone run towards the boy and touch him one by one.

As they touch the boy they were amuse by the warmness and calmness that gave to them. Its like this boy is something to them.

Alaude who just touch the boy feel warmness and nice enough for him to smile, everyone look at him and sense that the world is ending cause Alaude is smiling.

After of 5 hours of questioning them self on what happen? The boy was slowly waking up. He slowly lift his eyes so thus his body but it was still in pain so as he lift his body up he fell down again but was catch by Giotto's arms.

"You ok Kid?" Giotto said.
"Da-dare?" Tsuna said, as he lift his body up again.

Giotto was shock. "Hey kid, you could see us?" G said looking at the boy Orange sunset eyes. Tsuna nodded as a yes.

"H-how?" Asari said.

Tsuna is about to speak but he just cough hard, as he cover his mouth he realize he was coughing blood. Giotto sit next to the child and patt his back softly. All of them are worried.

Then after the coughing Tsuna get his sketch book under his pillow and a ballpen.

[I don't know how I could see you guys but Who are you? Sorry If I communicate like this, my throat hurt when I talk to much.] Tsuna write on the Sketch book.

"Oh, sorry kid" Giotto place his hands on Tsuna head and simply mess with it gently. "My name is Giotto, this is G, Asari, Alaude, Mel-I mean Deamon,Lampo and Knuckle" Giotto said to tsuna.

"Nufufufu~ Your mean Giotto. You almost say that I'm a Melon." Daemon said while fake crying.

"Yeah, Sad to say its the truth" Aluade said.

"What did you say!?" Daemon said.

"Want me to bite you to death?" Aluade said. They are going to attack each other but was stop by Asari again.
"Ma..mA.. You don't want to fight infront of a child would you?" Calming them down.

Giotto look at the child, "Whats your name Little one?" he ask.

[Sawada Tsunayoshi. But you can call me Tsuna if you like]. He wrote. Everybody see it, but they were more amazed as how cute this boy is. His smiling while holding the sketchbook. His smile isn't a fake one but a genuine one. Giotto was shock. "Your smile is Cute Tsuna." Giotto said while returning the smile.

[Thank you very much Giotto-Niisan] Tsuna write in the sketch book. Then he smile to Giotto.

"Neh... Tsuna. What happen to you? Are your injuries not hurt to the EXTREME?" Knuckle ask tsuna.

Tsuna look down, he hid his eyes with his hair and his eyes become teary.

Slap! G slap knuckle at the head.

"Look what you have done, you make the kid Sad" G yelled at Knuckle.

"Sorry to the EXTREME" Knuckle said.

" G. Calm down" Asari said.

Giotto look at the child, "Its ok, if you don't want to tell us Its ok. By the way does your parents know?" Giotto ask.

Tsuna became more sad, hearing the word Parents. But he was happy. Because this is the first time someone who cares for him.The. he start writing.

[My mom and dad hate me, they are the one who did this to me. They say "I'm a regret" or "I'm a mistake" they wish that I wasn't born to this world. They regret on having me. Iey-niisan doesn't remember me, because of an accident. But, thank you for asking and have a slightly care. Your the first person who has care for me this pass 2 years. Nobody does care for a regret kid anyway. I wonder... Why didn't I die? Can just grim reaper get my soul already and become dead?] He wrote on the sketchbook and show to seven people in the room. As tsuna can hide the pain anymore his eyes, his tears started to fall but he was smiling towards the seven people.

All of them suddently shadow there eyes with there hairs. Hiding there sadness and pityness to the kid. Suddently a deadly KI (Killer Intent) was burst out from Alaude,Deamon, Knuckle, G, and Lampo. Asari was trying to calm those guys down.

Giotto suddently pull a hug for Tsuna. "Let it out tsuna, Let is out cause its bad if you just keep the pain inside. Let it out." Then tsuna start to buried his face on Giotto's chest and start crying.

He cry as if theres no tomorrow. Suddently his door burst open. And saw his own father, Iemitsu.


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