Ch-12 The Storm is Coming

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3rd person Pov.

Reborn called the Smoke Bomb Hayato Gokudera to challenge the Decimo Ieyoshi Sawada if he is fitting to the Position.

That night, Ieyoshi and Reborn went home. Reborn was disappointed that in Nana's expresso cause its a little bit sweet, but its ok. He wonder how did Tsuna manage to create a perfect expresso?.

Then he heard the door was open then shut, as he saw Tsuna went up stair without saying "I'm home" or even looking back at his family. "hmp...Tsuna, your interesting." Reborn thought.

Reborn was standing at Ieyoshi's room where he notice a room beside it. Its was the room of Tsuna. He can sense a strong amount of Mist Flames in that room.  "Your more interesting that I thought Tsuna." Reborn thought.

Early in the Morning he wake up Ieyoshi from his deep slumber, and start to torture his student. He notice that Tsuna was not in the kitchen but Nana was there preparing breakfast.

"Good Morning Iey-kun,Reborn-san. The Breakfast will ready in a minute." Nana said happily. Ieyoshi start to sit at the dinning table and sighed. "I guest I can't eat Dame-Tsuna's cooking again. Ah.. They were delicious though... No worries, I'll just find him at school and get his stupid lunch." Ieyoshi think.

Then smack, Reborn hit Ieyoshi with a ruler. "You Baka-Iey, you have only 7 minutes to eat breakfast, or else you'll be late." Reborn said.

"Heh?, So what do you care if I'm late?" Ieyoshi said.

"A boss should always be early and has a valid excuse if ever his late. But ah... I'm not gonna punish you seens a certain skylark will do that for me." Reborn said while smirking.

Then Its sends shiver to Ieyoshi, he doesn't want to meet the perfect demon, that sky lark. So he quickly eat and run away. When he reach school he went to the classroom of his and was greeted by his classmates, but found out that no sign of Tsuna.

"No...My lunch..." Ieyoshi cry in his mind. He really wants to eat Tsuna's lunch. After a few minutes the teacher of them introduce a new student.

"Hello, my name is Gokudera Hayato,Nice to meet you." He bow to all the class.

"Sah... Gokudera-kun, pls sit behind Ieyoshi." Teacher said pointing an empty sit behind Ieyoshi.

"Tsk, his a jerk and an octopus head." Ieyoshi think. The class went smooth and as usual boring. When lunch came, Ieyoshi went to the rooftop to find his Tsuna but see nothing except the certain skylark who is sleeping so he quickly get the hell out of their. He went behind the school because Reborn call him.

As he got there he was thrown a dynamite luckily he dodge it but was affected by the explosion. He had a little bit scratch in his arms.
"Stupid! Who ever throw that dynamite?" Ieyoshi said in annoyance.
"Tsk, your not fitting to be a Decimo, I Gokudera Hayato will going to blow your heads off 10th" Gokudera said as he keep on throwing dynamites.

Ieyoshi was running around trying hard to avoid the dynamites. Then Gokudera sighed and look at reborn who is smirking. "Are you sure his qualified to be the Decimo? it looks like he is not!" Gokudera then lite up two dynamites and throw to Ieyoshi, he manage to avoid one but the other one hit him. "See, his weak!" Gokudera said. Then reborn shoot Ieyoshi a Dying Will bullet.

Sky Flames emit his head and arms "I WILL KILL YOU JERK, WITH MY DYING WILL!!!" Ieyoshi said, the. he attack Gokudera who manage to dodge all of his attack. "Your still weak, your Sky flames aren't that pure and strong." Gokudera said as he was attacking with his dynamites.

Gokudera try to attack with double bomb but failed cause the blonde boy dodge it, feeling irritated he attempted to throw a triple bomb but accidently one of the bomb fell, he was panicking he can't let this happen. "Maybe this is the end!" He thought as he close his eyes but he felt nothing after that. He open his eyes to see that Ieyoshi was the person who protect him, as the dying will bullet affect was lost, Gokudera stand up bow a perfect 90 degrees infront of Ieyoshi.

"I made a Mistake Decimo, you are perfect to be Vongola Decimo." Gokudera said.

"Congratulation Baka-Iey, You earn a one guardian." Reborn said.

"Tsk, I don't need a Jerk guardian like him, Intended that he try to kill me. Beside he was suppose to be-" Ieyoshi's words was cut by reborn who smack him with a ruler.

Gokudera was shadowing his eyes, It hurts hi feeling knowing that the Decimo doesn't want him. "He loves to be your Guradian smoking bomb hayato. Give him a time to think." Reborn said.

Some part of Gokudera say he really is happy, some part said that there is something wrong. Is he really going to follow a boss like Ieyoshi? Gokudera confuse his self but indeed follow him.

A certain skylark saw the mess they made so he approach them. "For disturbing the peace and creating a mess I'll bite each of you to death" Kyoya said with a deadly aurora surround him. Ieyoshi who is scared run as fast as he can followed by Gokudera-kun.

And that day, Gokudera was following Ieyoshi all day like a lost puppy.

Tsuna on the other didn't go to school to meet Broncco for the files personally at the certain dark alley.

As broncco saw how Tsuna appearance is he was shock. "Are you really Sora27?" Broncco ask.
"Yeah, why?" Sora reply.
"You look like a kid to me" Broncco said still was shock.
"You never know... Hey you already see the third clue about me so be it... If desperate to find about me then put the clues together." Sora reply as he handed the files to broncco.
"Well, the first clue cloud gave me was really... I don't get.." Broncco said.
"Then find it your self. Cha-cha" Sora said as he suddently disappeared.
"Sora27, your really are interesting." Broncco thought.


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