Chapter 52

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3rd person's Pov

"Kufufufu~ I heard you capture the Vongola Decimo?" A pineapple guy said while he stand infront of Jerry who currently preparing himself to meet new 5 gorgeous and handsome guest who just arrive in his hotel, but all girls and boys was screaming how they look handsome and hot.

"Yes, his in the torture room. Follow me." Jerry said as he led the two pineapple's head to the room.

As they were inside they saw a kid, 13 years old kid who is lying on the floor with his own blood.
"Kufufufu~ His too young to be a Vongola Decimo? Don't you think?" A pineapple said as he look the unconscious body.

"Yes, but he is the Decimo. My men confirm him." Jerry said as he ready to exit the room to meet his new guest. The pineapple girl who stood there looking at the body froze, she recognize the body, she recognize the small body with brown gravity defying hair. First she shook her head to shrug that the person who was lying in there was HIM.

"No, that's not him right? His not Him? right..?" She thought in confusion.

"Kufufufu~ Chrome-chan? Something wrong? Your body just became frozen?" Pineapple head said worriedly, he saw that Chrome was shock and shaking his head.

"Jah~ You can do anything to him. I'll
be off." Jerry as he was about to close the door.
"Wait, Jerry!" Chrome said in her serious tone The pineapple guy and Jerry was surprise, knowing Chrome who is usually quiet and nice just talk and say Jerry's name straight.
"Tell me the name of Vongola Decimo." Chrome said as she hide his eyes with her hair.
"Sawada, Sawada Tsunayoshi." Jerry said as he close the door and went to meet the guest.

The pineapple head drop his trident that he was holding and was shock hearing that name. That name... That's name of the person who... who help them a lot, the name of the person who he consider to be a brother.

Chrome was also shock and can't believe her hears on what that Jerry said, the name of the person who help her a lot. Probably thanks to that person she still living alive here.

She then get over her shock and run to the unconscious body, she pick the brunet head and put it on her lap and trying to wake up the brunet.

"Tsuna-nii. Pls wake up, Tsuna-nii..." She said as he was trying to wake the brunet.

The Tsuna then regrain his conscious and open his eyes slowly, he could feel a pain all over his body and sting. He can feel his body is so stung.

He heard his name was mentioned by a voice of angelic girl voice and a warm hands touch his cheek trying to wake him up. As his vision was clear he was welcome by a girl with Indigo hair shape like a pineapple and has one eye with the other has patch. He immediately recognize who was it so he force himself to sat up and hug the girl tightly, not wanting to let go as his tears flows unconsciously in his eyes.

"Nagi." Tsuna said while hugging Chrome tightly. Chrome return the hug and say "Tsuna-nii." Chrome said as she also burst into tears.

Tsuna then let go of the hug. "Nagi? its you right? Its you Nagi??" Tsuna ask Chrome while looking straight at Chrome."And your Tsuna right?" Chrome ask again the brunet.

Tsuna smile and he nodded a bit. Chrome who hug him again not wanting to let go. "Tsuna-nii I miss you, I miss you so much." Chrome said while crying.
"Me too Nagi, Me too." Tsuna said as he hug back. But he let go and someone another person hug Tsuna again.

"Tsuna." He said while crying.
"Mukuro-nii...." Tsuna froze and speechless. He could not believe that this two actually live, actually here hugging him in person, feeling there warm body touch his. Then he unconsciously cry again. "Mukuro-nii..." He said while crying again.

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