Chapter 25

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3rd person Pov.

As Tsuna open his eyes he was standing in the cold sticky red river of blood he was in a dark room. He call for everyone who's there but his voice was not coming out. He walks and walk in an endless dark place until he found someone who is very familiar. His self.

But it was different, it was him but his eyes were Black, pitch black and it was full of pain, pain that hurts. Then he saw that his friends, Kyoya, Hayato, Yamamoto, and Ieyoshi was tied up with a chained wrap around them, they were cover with blood, bruises, and different injuries.

The other me look at me and smile evilly as his hands held a black flames,

"What!? What are you gonna do?" Tsuna said but no voice came out, then the other him start to get close to his friends as he was starting to burn them from the black flames.

"No, pls No.... Stop it... No.." Tsuna said but with no voice at all, he keep on running and running but its seem that scene was starting to change, he saw that his other self disappeared his hands were lit up by black flames and he saw that his friends were burning to death.

"Tsuna? Why?" Everybody said,

Then Tsuna felt the pain, it hurts knowing that his the one who did this to them, his the one who hurt his friends that he care, his the one who killed them.

"Pls.... Make it stop, make it stop!!! " Tsuna said then everything turn white. White as ever be. He called someone but found nothing, then he could feel his self was feeling weak he then fell to the floor as his eyes close.

When he open his eyes white ceiling greeted him, he slowly open his eyes and try to sat up but fell again, luckily Kyoya catch before he feel back.

"Kyoya?" Tsuna said in his low voice and tired eyes.

"Hn, Omnivore." Kyoya said as he assist Tsuna to sat up, but Tsuna suddently hug Kyoya. Kyoya was surprise.

"Glad you ok, I thought I lost you." Tsuna said while he hug Kyoya.

"Hn, I'm fine" Kyoya said while he let go of the hug and look at Tsuna's sun set eyes. They were beautiful.

"Kyoya? What happen? Why am I in the-" Tsuna was shock when the door suddently burst open reveling a worried Hayato.

As Hayato saw Tsuna is fully awake he immediately hug his Tsuna-sama. He then let go, "Glad you were ok Tsuna-sama." Hayato said with a smile.

"Yeah, me too. Wait. What happen anyway? Why am I...." His thought was cut when he remember what happen.

"Wait, Where is Yamamoto-kun? Is he alright?" Tsuna ask worriedly.

"Yeah his find, he will be here to visit you Tsuna-sama. He always Visit." Hayato said.

"Wait visit? How long *cough* *cough* *cough*. Tsuna cough hard.

"Tsuna sama are you alright?" Hayato said worriedly, Tsuna suddenly start coughing and he hold his throat indicating it hurts. Hayato get the notepad and pen.

[How long I was out?] Tsuna show the note pad.

"4 days Tsuna-sama" Hayato said.

"Heiiiiiii? 4 Days!?" Tsuna said while he was shock, then he cough hard again.

"I suggest don't talk for 3 weeks straight." Shamal appeared out of nowhere.

[Why? Does my Throat have damage?] Tsuna wrote on the notepad.

"Nope, but base on your coughing, if you make another speech probably you will lost you angelic voice forever." Shamal said.

Tsuna just nodded. Shamal was not convince with that nod. "Hayato, Kyoya keep an eye on him. His pretty stubborn brat" Shamal said.

"Hey," Tsuna said.

"See, told you pretty Stubborn." Shamal said.

"Omnivore, as much I want to hear you voice. *sigh* if you use that within 3 weeks I'll surely bite you to death" Kyoya said coldly as he stare to Tsuna.

Tsuna just gulp and nodded and he look away. "Then Tsuna, I'm leaving you. Hayato, Kyoya." Shamal said as he leave the room then Yamamoto came in, he was shock seeing Tsuna was already wide awake.

He hug Tsuna. "Hoy, you baseball-freak. Tsuna-sama is suffocating." Hayato said as he hold Yamamoto to let go of Tsuna. Yamamoto let go of Tsuna.

"Are you ok Tsuna?" Yamamoto ask worriedly.

[Yeah, my throat just hurt. But all and all I'm fine.] Tsuna show his note pad with a smile written on his face.

Yamamoto sigh in relief, the. he saw that Tsuna is writing something.

[Yamamoto-kun, Pls don't do that suicide thing again. I was worried, I know I'm not the friend that you want to have seens I'm just a Dame but a Dame like me is concern about you because life is precious you know]
Tsuna show his note pad.

Yamamoto shook his head off, finally someone care for him. He can see that Tsuna really care for him as for who is he not for what is he. Yamamoto smile at Tsuna, Tsuna saw that

[Your Smile is wonderful, you should show that to Tsuyoshi-Ojiisan more often] Tsuna show his note pad.

"Wait, you knew my father?" Yamamoto question Tsuna, Tsuna nodded and start to write again.

[He was a close friend of mine, he help me once when I was in pain. But I can't help him seens he was also in pain. He thinks that he is such a useless father that he can't make his own son happy. He knows your wearing a fake smile Yamamoto-kun. He said that if ever he had one wish, he wishes that he will saw your 'True Smile' not the fake once.] Tsuna show the note pad and he has a genuine smile.

Yamamoto was shock reading that note pad, he was shock that his father is there caring for him. No matter what happen, either he doesn't have any friends, even the baseball god betrayed him his father was there to make him smile, his father always there for him.

Then Yamamoto bow to Tsuna, and smile and genuine honest smile to Tsuna while he was crying, crying because he found a true friend.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi, Thank you for everything. Thank you very much. How could I repay you?" Yamamoto said while he wipe his tear.

[One thing, show that genuine, happy and honest smile to your father.] Tsuna show the note pad ofcourse don't forget his smile.

"Hai, I will do that. But... I also have a request. Can you be my friend Sawada Tsunayoshi?" Yamamoto ask hoping he will say yes.

[You sure? I mean your popular and athletic at all. You sure you want to hang out and be friends with a Dame-Tsuna like me] Tsuna show his note pad with his worried and confuse look.

"Yes, definitely 100% sure. I don't care if your Dame, Tsuna. After all I can see that you have kind warm melting heart." Yamamoto said.

[Then I'll be your friend Yamamoto-kun] Tsuna show his note pad with a smile.

"Glad to be your friend Tsunayoshi-kun, and pls calm me Takeshi." Yamamoto said happily.

[Then call me Tsuna] Tsuna show his note pad.

"Yes, Tsuna" Takeshi said happily.

At that moment Yamamoto Takeshi found his true friend, a friend that he will swear to protect no matter what happen.


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Hope you like it 😄😄😄

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