Chapter 27

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3rd Person Pov

Yamamoto and Hayato walk together to the house of Tsuna but suddently they saw that Ieyoshi was running for his live because a certain spartan was chasing him while holding a giant mallet.

"Hehehe, I guest Reborn-san was really making Ieyoshi suffer" Takeshi said.

"That bastard! He deserve it" Hayato said as they continue there walk.

"Mou... Hayato. That is mean to say." Takeshi said.

"Tsk, shut the hell up Baseball freak." Hayato reply.

As they got to school, Some girls notice Takeshi so they start screaming and chasing him. He then run as fast as he can to the classroom. As he reach there he immediately sit on his sit panting hard, to his right was Hayato while in front of him was sleeping Tsuna.

He notice that every morning Tsuna always sleep he wonder why, he curiously approach Tsuna but stop when someone kick his chair he saw that was Hayato glaring at him.

"Don't you dare disturb Tsuna-sama's sleep!" Hayato said low but deadly.

"Calm down I wasn't goin-" Takeshi words was cut when they heard a loud THUD! they saw that Ieyoshi just kick Tsuna's chair, Tsuna immediately wake up.

He look at his brother with a half open eyes. " You Dame-Tsuna!! What the hell you said to the certain skylark?? Why he suddently wants to fight with me??" Ieyoshi glare and stare to Tsuna.

Tsuna got his notepad lazily.

[I don't know what your talking about. Maybe your Late? Hibari-Sempai always bite someone to death.] Tsuna show the note pad.

"Teme..." Ieyoshi was going to throw a punch to Tsuna but the bell rang, Takeshi and Hayato sigh in relief.

Ieyoshi sending a very deadly aurora to everyone knowing that he will fight the certain skylark before lunch. Everybody knows that no one mess with a certain demon perfect of Namimori high.

The truth is Reborn talk to the skylark saying that he can bite Ieyoshi to death with his permission. The skylark accept it with mo doubt, finally he will have his revenge for Tsuna, surely he will enjoy himself for bitting that guy to death.

After a few hours Kyoya suddently slam the door open. "Ieyoshi-Herbivore. I can't wait to bite you to death." As he throw his tonfas to Ieyoshi but suddently he dodge that, and was about to hit Tsuna when Tsuna also dodge that making his tonfas fly out to the open window.

Ieyoshi stand up and run towars the field. " I wonder what happen?" Takeshi question himself as everyone went down to see the fight leaving there room empty.

"Hm.. Maybe reborn has to something to do..," Hayato said as they stay in there room. They could see the fight in the open window any way.  The. Takeshi look at Tsuna who is looking tired but worried at the same time while looking at scene,

"Don't worry Tsuna, Ieyoshi-kun is strong. Beside its part of his training as a vongola boss." Takeshi said.

[Still, I'm worried. Hope he will be alright.] Tsuna show his note pad.

"Tsk, how come that Idiot Iemitsu didn't choose you Tsuna-sama. Your a perfect boss than him." Hayato said.

"Yeah, I agree. We will be your guardian Tsuna." Takeshi said.

Tsuna just sigh.

[I'm weak and pathetic, I'm just a Dame-I can't be a good boss] Tsuna wrote on the notepad, he was going to hide it but too late Takeshi got it and read it together with Hayato. They saw Tsuna eyes was teary and became dull and full of pain.

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