Chapter 56

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3rd Person Pov.

When Reborn wake up early in the morning, he realize that Tsuna was cuddling him he then remember that he sleep beside Tsuna.

Reborn then look at Tsuna's face who's currently in pain face. Reborn saw Tsuna was breathing a little hard, he could hear Tsuna's breathing. But he was shock the most as Tsuna hold him tight, tight like Tsuna was really in pain.

Tsuna's body start to tremble, like shaking and his breathing became heavy and his face showed that he was in pain. Reborn try to shake Tsuna's arms as he was trying to wake up Tsuna, but failed. It last atleast 3 minutes of shaking and calling his name to make Tsuna calm down.

Once calm, Tsuna went back to peaceful mode of sleeping again. Reborn then crawl upwards so he will escape the hands of Tsuna and yet it succeed. Then he look at Tsuna.

"What happen Tsuna?" Reborn thought as he touch the forehead of Tsuna. Sad to say Tsuna just stay asleep and move a little. Reborn sigh.

After hours pass, Reborn who was sitting in the edge of the bed felt like Tsuna just move. Tsuna however just move and slowly he open his eyes that he first meet way the white ceiling in his room. He try to sat up and discover that reborn is looking at him worriedly.

"Re-Reborn-san?.... Good Morning." Tsuna said with a smile.
"Good Morning too Tsuna, looks like you had a nightmare. Mind telling me?" Reborn said as he went beside Tsuna.

Tsuna hide his eyes with his hair, he knows that his nightmare wasn't an ordinary nightmare, more importantly its not a nightmare its real happening inside his mind. Tsuna sighed heavily.

"If I tell you may not believe me. " Tsuna said as his voice was full with sadness and disappointment. His eyes was full of sadness and pain. Reborn saw that.

"I may not believe you, But atleast you fell good if you tell somebody. Because its not good if you just keep inside." Reborn said.

Tsuna gave reborn a sad smile. "My Intuition tells me that its ok, to tell you...but..."Tsuna said still looking down and has a sad voice.

"Whatever it is I'll listen." Reborn said.

"Un, there here it is. Since I was out of Estrano Famiglia when my father sold me there long long time ago. I kinda destroy that facility both in Italy and Japan. You already know that don't you?" Tsuna said, Reborn nodded and his face turn to angry one. "Baka-Bastard Iemitsu!!" Reborn thought.

"When I destroy there facility, I was declared by them as there greatest experiment ever. Ever seens I 9 Estrano Famiglia member already chase me and desperate to got me back. Until now they are attacking me because of Zero." Tsuna said.

"Zero?" Reborn ask.

"Yes Zero, Zero was the negative black flames who is in my body right now. Who holds my soul and who holds me. He was also the reason of Arcobaleno curse." Tsuna said Reborn was shock.

"Ho-How, Wh-what?" Reborn was shock.
"When Zero, the negative darkness flames attack the parents of Yuni, they manage to seal Zero by sacrificing there lives, but on the other hand because of the sacrifices they made on the day of eclipse the Arcobaleno Curse was born, Zero who put that curse in every Arcobaleno members." Tsuna Said.

"Then let me killed that Zero who put me in this infant body!" Reborn said as he emitting a dark aurora surrounded

"One way to kill Zero, you need to kill me." Tsuna said Reborn was shock.

"Why?" Reborn said.

"Cause Zero is inside of my body, and me I mean myself was trap inside in a dark room chained into a wall by him who he torture every night." Tsuna said with a sad voice and his eyes is full of pain.

"Then are you saying that you, yourself was been torture by Zero everynight in your mind?" Reborn ask.

Tsuna nodded. "I try to escape but he made it worse, he chained me more and torture me more and more. Right now he was happy to give me freedom to take over my own body, but... I'll tell you, If he likes to take over my body rightnow at very moment he can. He can do it, and that will be worse because he will not just take over my body, he will also take over my 7 flames. When that happens the world might end because of me, that's why I wan't to train my guardians because they have the ability to destroy and kill Zero, and thats to kill me." Tsuna said and stop.

"Estrano Famigila want Zero as there alliance or should I say as there next Decimo if Zero will take over my body soon. " Tsuna continue as he let out a heavy sigh.

"And yet, you all keep this problems to your self Tsuna!?" Reborn ask as he rise a voice bit.

"What should I do reborn? I don't know what to do, that's why I keep it all to myself. Beside I accept my faith that I'll die soon." Tsuna said as he hug his knees and burried his face full if pain in it. Reborn saw that and he hisself don't know what to do about Tsuna.

"Baka Iemitsu, Baka Nana. Why did you let your son suffer so much? So much pain?" Reborn thought as he clench his tiny hands tight.

"Tsuna, your and I knows about this right?" Reborn said angrily. "Nope, Ny Ghost friends, or should I say the first generation knows about this." Tsuna said.

Reborn nodded,"Then we should tell
your guardians about this, not only your guardians but also Yuni, Byakuran, Aria, Gamma, and the rest of Arcobaleno so they can help you solve your problem. Cause this greatest Hitman in the world won't let you die Dame Tsuna." Reborn said as he try to cheer up Tsuna.

Tsuna who heard that was shock, and suddently a tear came from his eyes as he started to cry with joy. "Re-Reborn-san." Tsuna said as he hug Reborn and cry softly.

"Its ok Tsuna, No matter what, this hitman will never let you die! You can't die yet because I Reborn will make you a perfect boss in Vongola Famiglia. Vongola Decimo" Reborn said as he hug back.

Tsuna just softly cry, he let go of the hug and smile to reborn. "Thank you reborn-san. But, my intuition said that this is not the right time to tell my guardians or the others about this." Tsuna said.

"Then if your Intuition said so, I won't tell anybody yet." Reborn said.
"Thanks." Tsuna said.

After that Tsuna went to take a bath and prepare lunch for everybody. Ieyoshi who wake up and saw his brother was ready to go to school.

Ieyoshi then hurry to to dress up and take his breakfast that Tsuna made and both went to school. But As they open the door, Tsuna was greeted by his Storm and Rain.

"Bye, Bianchi-nee, Futta-kun, Lambo-kun and I-pin." Tsuna said.

"Bye Iey, and Tsuna, keep
an eye for my destructive brother." Bianchi said.

"Yes I will." Tsuna said. Hayato who heard that just tsk and look away.

"Good bye Iey-nii. Tsuna-nii Take care." Fuuta, I-pin, and Lambo said.

The two nodded and they happily went to school.


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Hope you like it 😄😄😄

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