Chapter 22

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3rd person Pov.

The first generation are worried again, cause there beloved Tsuna didn't come home again.

"Yare,Yare, That bitch doesn't even care for her son." Lampo said as he was laying in the couch looking at Nana who is eating with a smile.

"That't bitch really forget about Tsuna to the EXTREME" Ryohei said as he was on the floor staring at the family.

"Hmm... I like that small spartan from hell. He is stealing that bastard food." G said while he was standing at the back of the couch.

"Reborn, don't touch someone's food when you din't touch yours!!" Ieyoshi yelled then he receive a smack from reborn.

Reborn smack him with a green ruler "A boss should always have a strong alert in all situation Baka-Iey." Reborn said.

"Tsk, Don't you dare touch again my food." Ieyoshi gave a glare to Reborn.

"Say that again and you'll never see tomorrow." Reborn said as he was pointing a leon gun towards the head of Ieyoshi.

Ieyoshi gulp and start to surrender, he eat what ever left for him and went immediately to his room. Nana was cleaning the dishes. Reborn stay on his sit.

"I wonder what Tsuna is doing? He always didn't come last time, and now? What happen to him? Tsk Tsuna... I'll make sure I'll have talk." Reborn said and curse under his breath little did he know someone just watching him.

"Hn, Carnivore." Alaude said.

"Nufufufu~ I wonder what Tsuna is doing he also didn't come home tonight. Neh...Giott-" As Deamon look around he notice that Gitto was nowhere.

"Come to think of it I didn't see him seens the sun started to set." Asari said.

"I wonder where did Primo run off to." G said.
Mean while Giotto follow his Intuition to find Tsuna. It was then he saw a clean apartment, and when he is inside he saw Tsuna who is crying with a smile.

Giotto smile and as he saw Tsuna is smiling, not a fake one but a genuine and honest smile. After that Tsuna make a breakfast he approach Tsuna and hug him by his waist.

"Giotto-Niisan." Tsuna said and look at Tsuna.

"I was worried Tsuna, if don't come home I'm always worried we all do." Giotto said in a worried tone as he lean his face in Tsuna shoulder.

"Sorry If I made you worried Giotto-Niisan, and all of them." Tsuna said and he look down. He didn't know that all the certain ghost will be worried if his not around.

"Tsuna-sama, you look so down, everything ok?" Hayato approach Tsuna.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Tsuna said and continue his doing.

"Clearly your not" Giotto whisper to the ears of Tsuna as he let go. Tsuna hust and continue the homemade breakfast he made.

As they were sitting in the dinning table, They start to talk about some stuff and how should Kyoya minimize  to bite some student to death.

While Giotto was just Listening to every word they say. After they walk to school happily, as Tsuna arrive in his class room he tripped again.

All of his class mates were laughing at him again," Are you alright Tsuna-sama?" Hayato ask him with worried.

"yeah, Thank you Hayato-san." As Hayato help Tsuna get up.

"Hah, Once a dame always a dame." Ieyoshi said while laughing. Hayato burst in anger but Tsuna hold his hand and shook his head Indicating that what ever Hayato was trying to say 'Don't'.

"Tsk" Hayato just look pissed and gave a glare to Ieyoshi."How dare him say something like that to Tsuna-sama?" Hayato though in annoyance.

Tsuna was sitting in his chair as he could feel someone hugging him from the back. As he look who is it he was shock so he got his note pad and place it on the table writing.

[What are you doing here Giotto-niisan] Tsuna wrote in the notepad.

"I just miss my personal teddy bear. And don't worry no one can see me except you anyway." Giotto said as he hug Tsuna like his personal Teddy bear.

[ I don't mind] Tsuna wrote in his pad. As the bell rang the class started, he look around to find that Giotto is out of sight, but someone is looking at him out side in the tree looking at him. "Reborn?" Tsuna though as he spot reborn in the tree.

Then Tsuna catch the chalk with his two finger, he look to the teacher and sighed. Thanks to his intuition he manage to catch the chalk without looking but now everybody in the class stare at him in surprise. "I'm doomed." Tsuna thought.

"Dame-Tsuna. Y-you can't space out of my class." The teacher said but he was shock still on what Tsuna did. "Go to the disciplinary office now.!" The teacher yelled, Tsuna stand up with confidence as he was walking out side the room.

His classmates were confuse, how come Tsuna is so confidence towards the disciplinary room, there he could find the perfect demon of namimori high, and no one dares to walk to that room.

Tsuna sigh now was standing infront of the door in disciplinary office, he knock 3 times before he heard a cold voice said come in.

Tsuna came in and close the door, he sigh. [Kyoya, I came here because the teacher sent me here. I was dozzing off during his class] Tsuna wrote.

"Hn, Then you have stamina. Fight me Omnivore." Kyoya said as he stand up and ready his tonfas.

"Heeeeeiiii?" Tsuna said but catch Kyoya's tonfas with his hands. "As expected an Omnivore like you." Kyoya said.

Tsuna and Kyoya is now fighting inside of the disciplinary room. After a few hours they were exhausted and panting hard. They both sit in the couch. "I guest were even Kyoya." Tsuna said while exhausted.

"Hn" Kyoya answer, he then put his head on Tsuna's lap. "Omnivore, stay. I'll sleep" Kyoya said as he close his eyes.

"Kyoya, wait. I still have class." Tsuna said.

"Shh... Be quiet." Then it was silent. Tsuna just sigh and droff of to sleep to as he lean his head on the couch, but little did he realize that his finger move on there own and was patting the hair of Kyoya.

Kyoya smirk a little bit but deep inside he was happy he never felt a gentle hand touch his head before. He manage to go to sleep as well.

After a minutes Tsuna heard the bell rang, and he slowly open his eyes and yawn a little, he notice that he already laying on the couch with Kyoya is out of sight. He sigh, knowing kyoya must bitting someone to death.

He immediately went out to disciplinary room, while he was walking in the hall way he notice Yamamoto is walking smiling like an idiot, but his smile was wrong its like a fake smile, or a force smile.

He immediately want to approach him but Yamamoto tripped, lucky no student see that. Tsuna approach Yamamoto and held a hand, gladly yamamoto accept it.

"Thank you Tsuna" Yamamoto smile,
[No problem Yamamoto-kun, anytime. And oh, pls don't make a force or fake smile. Smile if you are happy, don't fake it it doesn't suit you.] Tsuna show his note pad while he smile. He then turn back and run towards the roof leaving yamamoto-kun confuse.

"He notice? But how? how came a dame-Tsuna notice?" Yamamoto question his self and left his head confuse, of all the people who's so close to him never realize that smile of him.

"Your something Tsuna." Yamamoto think.


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Hope you like it😄🙂

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