Ch-11 The Mission

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3rd Person's Pov

"Are you sure your going to take that request Tsuna?" Giotto ask.

"Yeah, Beside I'm bored." Tsuna said while putting his hood and mask.


Tsuna receive a Smack from G.
"You can't just take a request because your bored." G said.
"Specially if the Spartan from hell is here." Alaude said.
"Then I'll just use the Mist flame to hide my room. I'll make an Illusion." Tsuna said.
"Nufufufu~Let me do it Tsuna." Deamon offer.
"Thank you Melon- I mean Deamon-nii" Tsuna said.
"Nufufufu~ Your mean Tsuna." Deamon said.
"Well I had to agree with that." Alaude said.
"What you said!?" Deamon yelled and the two start fighting. Asari was trying to calm them down.

"Be careful Tsuna." Giotto hug tsuna from Behind.

"I will Gio-nii, beside Kyoya will be there." Tsuna said.

"Hmp, My Intuition was right about him all along." Giotto said.

"Yeah, he is a good friend. Ok then Minna, Take care of my room." Tsuna said as he went out for the Mission.

In the location he found a certain man, Covering his whole face with a hood. "Your late Omnivore. Usually I bite people to death when they are late. But seens this is a mission, I'll pass." He said that's the time Tsuna realize that 'that' person was cloud.

"Sorry Cloud, Lets go and get the Files that Broncco needed." Sora said.

"Hn". Cloud reply.

Cloud was literally bitting every enemy of him to death with his favorite Tonfas while he was also amaze on which Sora was using sky flames. He never see such a pure sky flames as ever like Sora. "he is definitely a true sky." Cloud though as he was trying to fight his enemy.

As the two done, as they thought. Cloud stand up behind him was a mirror but then it soon broke and hit his head and back. "Ky-Cloud!" Sora shouted as he went to cloud. "You ok Cloud?" Sora ask Cloud, but he could see that his not already ok so Sora uses his sun flames on Cloud.

Cloud can see Sora's sun flames and he could feel it, he could feel a warmness and calmness in that particular sun flames that healing him. After a few minutes of healing, Sora start to feel weak and tired but he shake it off and get what he wanted and they went out of the building easily.

"You ok Sora, you look tired? Its because you use your sun flames on me?" Cloud ask.

"No, I'm fine. I promise. Thank you for helping Cloud. Your always be my Cloud anyway." Sora said while he smile.

"Hn, anytime. By the way, you could skip class and rest for a day." Cloud said.

"I won't skip class beside is fun to be with you when we are at the rooftop" Sora said.

After a little outing in the night, Sora went to his room. Its already 4:35 am so he started to take a bath and wear his uniform but it was stop by a certain Ghost. Giotto.

"Tsuna, my Intuition said your tired and can't make barely to school." Giotto said.

"But, I need to go to school Gio-nii" Tsuna said.

"How about skip the school just for one day, just one day. I can sense that you use too much of your flames." Giotto said.

"Nufufufu~ Tsuna, Primo is right. How about rest for the day." Deamon said.

"For once I agree with the Melon Herbivore." Alaude said.

"Yes, Tsuna. You need a good rest." Asari said.

"I know but, I promise to you that I'll have a good sleep during lunch and maybe when I got to school-" Tsuna's sentence was cut when he heard a loud Thud, from the other room.

"By Guys, I need to go to school." As Tsuna shut his door, Deamon made an illusion to cover the room of Tsuna.

"What a stubborn kid!" G said.

"Look who's talking." Giotto said.

"Nufufufu~ I guest the octopus red hair is a stubborn kid too" Deamon said.

"Shut up you Melon head!" G said.

"Yare, yare don't be noisy. Can you see I'm still sleeping?" Lampo said as he was sleeping in the ground.

"You always sleep to the EXTREME" Knuckle said.

In the other hand, Tsuna prepare a bento for him, his Iey-nii and the certain sky lark. Cause he know that thud was so loud Ieyoshi must be already awake. And seens Nana is still asleep.

Tsuna heard footstep going down, as he saw his brother with Reborn on his head. "Good Morning Tsuna, your early." Reborn said, then he smack Ieyoshi with a ruler.

"Can you be like Tsuna? A good boss should wake up early in the morning you know." Reborn said.

"Aw... that hurts. First you hit me with a Mallet. Second you hit me with a ruler. Whats next?" Ieyoshi complain.

"I'll shoot a bullet on you." Reborn said.

"Tsk" Ieyoshi said as he sat down on the dinning table. Tsuna handed him his breakfast and  his bento, he prepare a expresso for Reborn then he excuse him self and went out to school. As Tsuna left.

"Don't you walk to school with him.?" Reborn said.
"Who wants to walk with a Dame-Tsuna?" Ieyoshi said.
"Tsk, Baka-Iey. I'll only give you 5 minutes to eat or else I'll shoot a bullet on yuu." Reborn said. As Ieyoshi saw leon form into a gun and reborn is pointing at him he quickly eat.

While as Tsuna reach the school, he usually sleep in his desk peacefully, knowing that he still alone. As the time pass by Tsuna had a feeling of death glare coming so he started too wake up, and saw his teacher who is angrily to him. "You Dame-Tsuna. How dare you sleep in my Class huh!?" His teacher scold him.

Tsuna gave a sorry look to the teacher.

"No but, your excuses are lame anyway. Stay out!" The teacher said, as then he went out. But as he open the door he start to see Kyoya, who immediately drag him to the roof top.

"You Omnivore are really always in trouble." Kyoya said as he look up the sky. Then Tsuna got his note pad

[Well, I'm always am in trouble!] Tsuna  wrote.

Then Kyoya look Tsuna's eyes, he notice that it was tired, ready to give up any second now. So he place Tsuna's head on his lap as he lean his back on the wall.

"Sleep Sora, I bet your going to work again this night. Don't worry I'll help you again." Kyoya said.

"No need Kyoya, You've done enough so how about stop it." Tsuna said.

"I won't stop helping my only friend. Now sleep will you?" Kyoya said as he close his eyes and drift to sleep along with Tsuna.


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Hope you like it 😄😄

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